MUA Executive Policy - Van Flymen & Associates

MUA Executive Policy - Van Flymen & Associates

MUA Executive Policy - Van Flymen & Associates

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SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS FOR THIS SECTIONThe insurer will not cover the following:1.2.The excess as stated in your scheduleAny event, injury, loss, damage and/or legal liabilitythat occurs while you or anyone you allow to drivethe insured vehicle with your expressed or impliedconsenta.b.c.d.e.f.g.incurs loss or damage arising from theft of theinsured vehicle while the ignition keys of yourvehicle have been left in or on the vehicleuses or drives it in any way other than accordingto the description of its use, or not in line withits specifications given in the manufacturer’sbookletis not fully licensed to drive your vehicle in termsof the law that applies to any territory listedunder the territorial limits of this policy(This exclusion will not apply while you or anyperson who may drive your vehicle is learning todrive, provided that the learner driver complieswith the laws and regulations for learnerdrivers.)drives your insured vehicle while under theinfluence of alcohol or drugs, or while the alcoholcontent of the driver’s blood is above the legallimituses your insured vehicle for commercialtravelling, or for any business, trade or work,other than as stated in the proposal form of thepolicyuses your insured vehicle to• carry goods or samples for trade purposes• carry passengers for hire or reward (otherthan vehicle sharing and under Section9: Classic Motor on occasions where thevehicle is hired out for wedding ceremoniesand matric farewells, provided that you, thenominated driver, are the sole driver on suchoccasions)• tow another vehicle for reward• rent it out• teach learner drivers to drive for reward• race or rally• compete in timing or trials or any drivingon a motor track or a racing circuit, trackobstacle course or test circuituses your insured vehicle to transport toxicwaste, medical waste, explosives or otherhazardous goods, for which you need permissionfrom the authorities3. your insured vehicle to carry any load orpassengers that are above the capacity thatyour vehicle has been made for or is licensed tocarryuses your insured vehicle on airport propertyanywhere other than in the car park or drop-offzoneAny event, injury, loss, damage and/or liability thatoccurs while a member of the motor trade is lookingafter or has control of your insured vehicle, unless itis being overhauled, serviced or repaired or you haverecently bought it and it is waiting to be collectedfrom a recognised motor dealerAny event, injury, loss, damage and/or liability thatoccurs becausea. you chose to abandon your insured vehicle afteran accident, unless you felt that your life was indangerb. your claim results from or is connected to anexchange, cash or credit sales agreement, oramounts to theft under false pretences andfraudc. customs or other officials or authorities havedemanded you forfeit your insured vehicleor have seized, detained, confiscated orrequisitioned itThe depreciation or decrease or reduction in value ofyour insured vehicle whether caused by damage orloss arising from an insured event or from resultantrepairs or from wear and tear or otherwiseMechanical, electronic or electrical breakdown,failures or breakages, including any loss of or damageto any mechanical, electrical or electronic part as aresult of that breakdown, failure or breakageGradual damage including wear and tear or othergradual processes including rust, oxidation, smoke,mildew, corrosion, decay or deterioration over timeby any other means including infestation by pestsDamage to tyres from applying brakes or frompunctures, cuts or bursts caused by road hazards orpotholes, except for where the damage is as a resultof an accident which also causes damage to otherparts of the insured vehicleAny secondary loss or damage flowing from orconsequent to any loss which may give rise to aclaim under this policy, including loss of income orprofitPayments, arrear payments, interest and financecharges which you owe due to you having purchasedthe insured vehicle through hire purchase or a similaragreement46 <strong>MUA</strong> <strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Policy</strong>

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