Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network

Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network

Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network


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ANGELICA SCHWALL-DÜREN 47aid <strong>for</strong> the poorest countries in the world.I believe a very careful approach is required: we need a soundbalance between different objectives. We need better coherencebetween the financial perspective <strong>for</strong> an enlarged Union and therequirements of the Stability and Growth Pact leading to realbudgetary cuts in several Member States. And – as in Germany – weneed real re<strong>for</strong>ms in the main areas of policy. The national parliamentstogether with the national governments can and should play animportant role to reach the necessary compromises. Otherwise we willbe unable to explain to our people what we are going to achieve inEurope and in our countries. Let me end with the motto of the Irishpresidency: let us work together in and <strong>for</strong> Europe.

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