Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network

Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network

Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network


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BRIGITTE ZYPRIES 87that these recommendations are not at all appropriate to actuallyachieving higher security <strong>for</strong> the population. We must consider onething above all: that we have already achieved many successes withDNA analysis. Many crimes have been solved through this. All of theseinvestigative successes were achieved on the basis of the law in effect.My question is there<strong>for</strong>e: if our laws have enabled these successes, whyshould we change them?I am convinced that the statutory framework intended by thelegislature regarding molecular genetic testing and storage in the DNAdata file has led to only appropriate inclusions within it. That is thosewho pose a considerable risk <strong>for</strong> the future of serious criminal offencesand there<strong>for</strong>e, present a danger to public security.Only when such danger exists can we think about placing thepersons in the genetic data file. Given this, I reject as adisproportionate intrusion the inclusion in the data file of all citizens,all men or even all those with a criminal record. It would, in myopinion, create an imbalance in the relationship between freedomand security. I disagree with the inclination toward fantasies ofomnipotence in the fight against crime: if only all data were availableto us, we could solve all crimes. But we all know that this is not thecase. Such fantasies should not be encouraged.Freedom and security requireeffective prevention and intelligent punishmentsHow can we guarantee freedom in security? An essential aspect iscertainly the prevention of crimes, especially crimes of violence. Thisis because those who experience violence do not live in peace.Violence in our society threatens our internal peace. We must resistthis threat. At first glance one may believe that this is solely a task <strong>for</strong>the state. However, it is not. This subject affects all of us and is one<strong>for</strong> which we are all responsible. Society as a whole must create aclimate of prevention.Prevention is, above all, aimed at the roots of criminality and seeksto combat its deeper causes. Not only the state, but also religiouscommunities, industry, non–government associations, the media, and,

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