Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network

Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network

Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network


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Freedom in Security:A <strong>Social</strong> Democratic VisionBRIGITTE ZYPRIESFreedom and security are social democratic valuesSince the dreadful terror attacks on September 11th, 2001, in almostall states the topic of security has appropriately been at the top of thepolitical agenda. In addition, crimes of violence, which are reportedin detail in the media, have also caused ‘security’ to become ofsignificant concern <strong>for</strong> a broad section of the population. Widespreadfeelings of fear and powerlessness among the general public,especially in regards to sexual murders and similar crimes, havepromoted calls <strong>for</strong> a ‘strong state.’ In consequence, there is a feelingthat <strong>for</strong> the benefit of security, individual freedom should retreat intothe background.This reveals the tense relationship between freedom and security– a field of tension with which we have long been concerned. This hasbeen a subject of consideration in policy and law <strong>for</strong> hundreds of years.As an outcome of the Enlightenment, the state’s monopoly on theuse of <strong>for</strong>ce was set against an area of personal freedom as anindividual value and a legal limit on state power was demanded. <strong>Social</strong>democracy in particular is strongly committed to the values of theEnlightenment and, there<strong>for</strong>e, to freedom. Unlike any other party inGermany, social democracy has historically fought against oppressionand exploitation. It is the party of freedom and recognises thatsecuring freedom is a ongoing task. This is also something that we asthe federal government of the Federal Republic of Germany see as aparticular challenge in these times. Creating a reasonable balancebetween freedom and security is imperative.We do not, and need not, seek to match the call of conservative85

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