Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network

Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network

Where Now for European Social Democracy? - Policy Network


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JEAN PISANI-FERRY 55macroeconomic framework, as suggested by the Sapir Report. Thosewho favour the second model hold that responsibility <strong>for</strong> growthessentially belongs to the remit of the member states and thatthe EU should only create conditions <strong>for</strong> those policies to beeffective.In summary, it is more than time to revisit the social democrats’<strong>European</strong> growth agenda in the light of recent successes and failuresand to put together a common package of credible pro-growth policies.The lack of serious discussion on these matters does not favourthe building of a consensus among <strong>European</strong> social democrats andthe elaboration of a common thinking. On the contrary, it favoursthe development on the Left of Eurosceptic attitudes and thedissemination of ideas that portray <strong>European</strong> integration as the Trojanhorse of free market fundamentalism.Fortunately, there is much the Left can do <strong>for</strong> growth withoutjeopardising its identity. But there is also a long list of new issues todeal with and of old issues to revisit, both at the national and the<strong>European</strong> level. It is only by addressing controversies head on that thesocial democrats can define their own growth agenda and persuade the<strong>European</strong> voters that they are better able to combine economicper<strong>for</strong>mance with social justice.The current state of the debate among <strong>European</strong> social democratsis an indication of the time that has been lost. It is more than urgentto start working again.

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