cg Version

cg Version

cg Version


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include 'include/egs5 h.f' common include 2 include ! ----------------------! Auxiliary-code COMMONs! ----------------------include 'auxcommons/aux_h.f'include 'auxcommons/edata.f'include 'auxcommons/etaly1.f'include 'auxcommons/instuf.f'include 'auxcommons/lines.f'include 'auxcommons/watch.f'! Auxiliary-code "header" file! ------------------! <strong>cg</strong> related COMMONs! ------------------include 'auxcommons/geom_common.f' ! geom-common fileinteger irinn include CG CG common common/totals/* depe,deltae,spec(3,50),maxpictreal*8 depe,deltae,specinteger maxpict! Variables to scoreimplicit none open egs5 pegs5 pegs 7-26 close openpegs open 7-26 ! ----------! Open files! ----------open(6,FILE='egs5job.out',STATUS='unknown')open(4,FILE='egs5job.inp',STATUS='old')open(39,FILE='egs5job.pic',STATUS='unknown') 39 counters out(0) call 4.2 : Step 2 nmed Characteristic Dimensionpegs5 call medarr 24 24 24 Chracteristic Dimension (1 cm 1cm 1cm 1cm) nmed=4if(nmed.gt.MXMED) thenwrite(6,'(A,I4,A,I4,A/A)')* ' nmed (',nmed,') larger than MXMED (',MXMED,')',* ' MXMED in iclude/egs5_h.f must be increased.'stop2 EGS4 COMIN 7

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