cg Version

cg Version

cg Version


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end if! ==============call block_set! ==============! ---------------------------------! define media before calling PEGS5! ---------------------------------medarr(1)='NAImedarr(2)='ALmedarr(3)='QUARTZmedarr(4)='AIR-AT-NTPdo j=1,nmeddo i=1,24media(i,j)=medarr(j)(i:i)end doend do! Initialize some general variableschard(1) = 3.81d0 ! automatic step-size controlchard(2) = 0.1d0chard(3) = 0.5d0chard(4) = 5.0d0write(6,fmt="('chard =',5e12.5)") (chard(j),j=1,nmed)! -----------------------------------! Run KEK PEGS5 before calling HATCH! -----------------------------------write(6,100)100 FORMAT('PEGS5-call comes next'/)! ==========call pegs5! ==========4.3 : Step 3 npreci 3 CG CG data CG <strong>cg</strong> (6) geomgt call CG End of CG data ifto 39 PICT (CSTA-FREE CSTA) subroutine geomgt CG CG CEND <strong>cg</strong> nreg CG write(6,*) 'Read <strong>cg</strong>-related data'!-----------------------------------------------! initilize <strong>cg</strong> related parameter!-----------------------------------------------npreci=3 ! PICT data mode for CGView in free formatifti = 4ifto = 39''''! Input unit number for <strong>cg</strong>-data! Output unit number for PICTwrite(6,fmt="(' CG data')")call geomgt(ifti,6) ! Read in CG datawrite(6,fmt="(' End of CG data',/)")if(npreci.eq.3) write(ifto,fmt="('CSTA-FREE-TIME')")if(npreci.eq.2) write(ifto,fmt="('CSTA-TIME')")8

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