cg Version

cg Version

cg Version


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call block_set! ==============! ---------------------------------! define media before calling PEGS5! ---------------------------------medarr(1)='NAImedarr(2)='ALmedarr(3)='QUARTZmedarr(4)='AIR-AT-NTPdo j=1,nmeddo i=1,24media(i,j)=medarr(j)(i:i)end doend do! Initialize some general variableschard(1) = 7.62d0 ! automatic step-size controlchard(2) = 0.1d0chard(3) = 0.5d0chard(4) = 5.0d0write(6,fmt="('chard =',5e12.5)") (chard(j),j=1,nmed)! -----------------------------------! Run KEK PEGS5 before calling HATCH! -----------------------------------write(6,100)100 FORMAT(' PEGS5-call comes next'/)! ==========call pegs5! ==========3.3 Step 3: Pre-hatch-call-initializationThe npreci is used to specify format for particle trajectories data and it is set to 2 in this usercode for CGview. After initializing CG related parameters, subroutine geomgt is called toread CG input data and output CG information for CGview. CSTA and CEND are written beforeand after CG related data, respectively. The ifto which denes output unit of <strong>cg</strong>-data is set to39 as the unit of trajectory data le for CGview. The number of region, NREG, issetby izonin.write(6,*) 'Read <strong>cg</strong>-related data'!-----------------------------------------------! initilize <strong>cg</strong> related parameter!-----------------------------------------------npreci=3 ! PICT data mode for CGView in free formatifti = 4ifto = 39''''! Input unit number for <strong>cg</strong>-data! Output unit number for PICTwrite(6,fmt="(' CG data')")call geomgt(ifti,6) ! Read in CG datawrite(6,fmt="(' End of CG data',/)")if(npreci.eq.3) write(ifto,fmt="('CSTA-FREE-TIME')")if(npreci.eq.2) write(ifto,fmt="('CSTA-TIME')")rewind ifticall geomgt(ifti,ifto)! Dummy call to write geom info for iftowrite(ifto,110)110 FORMAT('CEND')!--------------------------------! Get nreg from <strong>cg</strong> input data!--------------------------------nreg=izonin33

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