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specs(ntype,j)=0.D0spec2s(ntype,j)=0.D0end doend do! Set historiesncases=10000! Set maximum number for pictmaxpict=504.8 : Step 8ncases subroutine shower call emaxe NaI wtin 99.9% wtin wtin ! Write batch numberwrite(39,fmt="('01')")! ========================if(iwatch.gt.0) call swatch(-99,iwatch)! ========================do i=1,ncases! ----------------------! Select incident energy! ----------------------wtin = 1.0wtsum = wtsum + wtinetot = ekein + iabs(iqin)*RMif(iqin.eq.1) thenavailke = ekein + 2.0*RMelseavailke = ekeinend iftotke = totke + availke! ----------------------! Select incident angle! ----------------------! -------------------------! Start of shower call-loop! -------------------------! Keep running sum of weights! Incident total energy (MeV)! Available K.E. (MeV) in system! for positron! Available K.E. (MeV) in system! for photon and electron! Keep running sum of KE! ---------------------------------------------------! Print first NWRITE or NLINES, whichever comes first! ---------------------------------------------------if (ncount .le. nwrite .and. ilines .le. nlines) thenilines = ilines + 1write(6,280) etot,xin,yin,zin,uin,vin,win,iqin,irin,idin280 FORMAT(7G15.7,3I5)end if! -----------------------------------------------------------! Compare maximum energy of material data and incident energy! -----------------------------------------------------------if(etot+(1-iabs(iqin))*RM.gt.emaxe) thenwrite(6,fmt="(' Stopped in MAIN.',1 ' (Incident kinetic energy + RM) > min(UE,UP+RM).')")stopend if11

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