cg Version

cg Version

cg Version


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! -----------------------------------------------------------! Keep track of energy deposition (for conservation purposes)! -----------------------------------------------------------if (iarg .lt. 5) thenesum(iql+2,irl,iarg+1) = esum(iql+2,irl,iarg+1) + edepwtnsum(iql+2,irl,iarg+1) = nsum(iql+2,irl,iarg+1) + 1end if! -----------------------------------------------------------------! Print out particle transport information (if switch is turned on)! -----------------------------------------------------------------! ========================if (iwatch .gt. 0) call swatch(iarg,iwatch)! ========================if(iarg .ge. 5) return! ----------------------------------------------! Score energy deposition inside NaI detector! ----------------------------------------------if (med(irl) .eq. 1) thendepe = depe + edepwt! ----------------------------------------------------! Score particle information if it enters from outside! ----------------------------------------------------if (irl .ne. irold .and. iarg .eq. 0) thenif (iql .eq. 0) then! photonntype=1ie = e(np)/deltae +1if(ie .gt. 50) ie = 50elseif (iql .eq. -1) then ! electronntype=2ie = (e(np) - RM)/deltae +1if(ie .gt. 50) ie = 50else! positronntype=3ie = (e(np) - RM)/deltae +1if(ie .gt. 50) ie = 50end ifspec(ntype,ie) = spec(ntype,ie) + wt(np)end ifend if! ----------------------------------------------------------------! Print out stack information (for limited number cases and lines)! ----------------------------------------------------------------if (ncount .le. nwrite .and. ilines .le. nlines) thenilines = ilines + 1write(6,100) e(np),x(np),y(np),z(np),u(np),v(np),w(np),* iql,irl,iarg100 FORMAT(4G15.7/3G15.7,3I5)end if! ------------------------------------! Output particle information for plot! ------------------------------------if (ncount.le.maxpict) thencall plotxyz(iarg,np,iq(np),x(np),y(np),z(np),e(np),ir(np),* wt(np),time(np))end ifreturnend3.10 Subroutine howfarAs far as CG is used, it is not necessary for user to change subroutine howfar atall.For user's convenience, outline of subroutine howfar is described. At subroutine howfar,39

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