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cg Version

cg Version


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sigph=dsqrt((ph2s(ie)-avph*avph)/ncount)avph = avph/deltaesigph= sigph/deltaewrite(6,380) eup,avph,sigph380 FORMAT(' E (upper-edge --',G10.4,' MeV )=',G15.5,'+-',G15.5,* ' counts/MeV/incident')end do NaI 4.10 Subroutine ausgabAUSGAB include iarg < 5 1(NaI) wt maxpict plotxyz call ! ------------------------! Set some local variables! ------------------------irl = ir(np)iql = iq(np)edepwt = edep*wt(np)! -----------------------------------------------------------! Keep track of energy deposition (for conservation purposes)! -----------------------------------------------------------if (iarg .lt. 5) thenesum(iql+2,irl,iarg+1) = esum(iql+2,irl,iarg+1) + edepwtnsum(iql+2,irl,iarg+1) = nsum(iql+2,irl,iarg+1) + 1end if! -----------------------------------------------------------------! Print out particle transport information (if switch is turned on)! -----------------------------------------------------------------! ========================if (iwatch .gt. 0) call swatch(iarg,iwatch)! ========================if(iarg. .ge. 5) return! ----------------------------------------------! Score energy deposition inside NaI detector! ----------------------------------------------if (med(irl) .eq. 1) thendepe = depe + edepwt! ----------------------------------------------------! Score particle information if it enters from outside! ----------------------------------------------------if (irl .ne. irold .and. iarg .eq. 0) thenif (iql .eq. 0) then! photonntype=1ie = e(np)/deltae +1if(ie .gt. 50) ie = 50elseif (iql .eq. -1) then ! electronntype=2ie = (e(np) - RM)/deltae +1if(ie .gt. 50) ie = 50elsentype=3ie = (e(np) - RM)/deltae +1! positron14

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