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cg Version

cg Version


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! -----------------------------------! Calculate average and its deviation! -----------------------------------! ---------------! Peak efficiency! ---------------avpe = pefs/ncountpef2s=pef2s/ncountsigpe=dsqrt((pef2s-avpe*avpe)/ncount)avpe = avpe*100.0sigpe = sigpe*100.0write(6,350) avpe,sigpe350 FORMAT(' Peak efficiency =',G11.4,'+-',G9.2,' %')! ----------------! Total efficiency! ----------------avte = tefs/ncounttef2s = tef2s/ncountsigte = dsqrt((tef2s-avte*avte)/ncount)avte = avte*100.0sigte = sigte*100.0write(6,360) avte,sigte360 FORMAT(' Total efficiency =',G11.4,'+-',G9.2,' %')! --------------------------! Pulse height distribution! --------------------------write(6,370)370 FORMAT(/' Pulse height distribution ')do ie=1,50elow=deltae*(ie-1)eup=deltae*ieavph = phs(ie)/ncountph2s(ie)=ph2s(ie)/ncountsigph=dsqrt((ph2s(ie)-avph*avph)/ncount)avph = avph/deltaesigph= sigph/deltaewrite(6,380) eup,avph,sigph380 FORMAT(' E (upper-edge --',G10.4,' MeV )=',G15.5,'+-',G15.5,* ' counts/MeV/incident')end doSpectra of particles incident on NaI detector are also analyzed and output.3.9 Subroutine ausgabSubroutine ausgab is a subroutine to score variables that user want to calculate.Include lines and specication statements are written at rst by the same way used at themain program.When iarg < 5, absorbed energy at the region nreg (outside the system) and other regionsare summed separately to check energy balance at each history.If the material number 1, NaI region, absorbed energy per step is added as the energydeposition at the detector.If a particle enters to NaI region from outside, energy information corresponding to eachparticle type is scored.! ------------------------! Set some local variables! ------------------------irl = ir(np)iql = iq(np)edepwt = edep*wt(np)38

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