Aged Care & Rehabilitation Clinical Services Plan 2007 – 2012

Aged Care & Rehabilitation Clinical Services Plan 2007 – 2012

Aged Care & Rehabilitation Clinical Services Plan 2007 – 2012


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<strong>Aged</strong> <strong>Care</strong> & <strong>Rehabilitation</strong> <strong>Clinical</strong> Service <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2007</strong> - <strong>2012</strong>−−−−RationaleResidential <strong>Aged</strong> <strong>Care</strong>;Community <strong>Care</strong> Providers;Aboriginal Health <strong>Services</strong>; andInterpreter <strong>Services</strong> and Multicultural <strong>Services</strong>.Infrastructure and Support RequirementsInfrastructure and support requirements for thedevelopment of AC&RS to meet the projected increasein demand to <strong>2012</strong> and beyond include:− Physical infrastructure;− Information technology and Telehealth;− Data management;− Patient transport services and affordable,accessible parking;− Governance;− Workforce; and− Research and EducationRecommendationthrough Advanced <strong>Care</strong> Directives initiatives29. As funding permits, expand the existing BiomedicalEngineering service to develop a specialistrehabilitation role30. Participate in implementing recommendations ofthe NSW Health PADP Review31. Improve and expand carer support services,consistent with the NSW <strong>Care</strong>rs Action <strong>Plan</strong>32. Review management arrangements of VentilatorDependent Quadriplegia and Children’s HomeVentilation Programs within SSWAHS33. Expand the range of services and supports offeredin partnership with General Practice, to improve earlyintervention and reduce avoidable hospital admissions34. Expand the range of services and support offeredin partnership with Residential <strong>Aged</strong> <strong>Care</strong> Facilities, toimprove early intervention and reduce avoidablehospital admissions35. Expand the range of services and supports offeredin partnership with community care providers, toimprove early intervention and reduce avoidablehospital admissions36. Implement actions in the SSWAHS AboriginalHealth <strong>Plan</strong> which focus on Aboriginal people who areolder or who have disabilities, and their carers37. Continue to develop systems and staff skills toensure a culturally competent and appropriate service38. Develop/redevelop physical infrastructure inAC&RS consistent with guidelines and take into accountthe unique needs and circumstances of clients eg.people with dementia/delirium39. Upgrade IT systems across SSWAHS, to facilitateservice integration and improved performancemonitoring, and enable the expansion of Telehealthinitiatives to facilitate communication across sites andreduce avoidable hospital admissions40. Develop improved data and performancemanagement systems, including analysis, across AC&RS,through the establishment of standardised processesand infrastructure41. Increase access for AC&RS to appropriatetransport services, including patient transport,accessible parking and fleet vehicles, to enable thedelivery of centre and community based services42. Implement the recommendations from the SSWAHSReview of <strong>Clinical</strong> Streams <strong>2007</strong>43. Strengthen the capacity of the SSWAHS workforceto respond to the needs of AC&RS clients; in particularthrough the recruitment and retention of AdvancedTrainees and other staff with specialist qualifications inaged care and/or rehabilitation44. Work with the Director Workforce <strong>Plan</strong>ning andDevelopment to incorporate the needs of AC&RS intothe broader workforce planning initiatives withinSSWAHS45. Develop a compendium document which focuses onworkforce projections and infrastructure46. Strengthen the capacity of SSWAHS to undertakeresearch and education in aged care and rehabilitationPage 8

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