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56 PRIMA 2013 AbstractsBaili ChenGustavus Adolphus College, USAbchen@gustavus.eduWe prove the existence of periodic solutions of systemsof nonlinear impulsive differential equ<strong>at</strong>ions arising fromchemotherapeutic tre<strong>at</strong>ment for cancer. Our analysis isbased on Mawhin’s continu<strong>at</strong>ion theorem of coincidencedegree theorem.Analysis of some nonlinear PDEs from multiscalegeophysical applic<strong>at</strong>ionsBin ChengUniversity of Surrey, UKb.cheng@surrey.ac.ukThis talk is regarding PDE systems from geophysical applic<strong>at</strong>ionswith multiple time scales, in which linear skewself-adjointoper<strong>at</strong>ors of size 1/epsilon gives rise to highlyoscill<strong>at</strong>ory solutions. Analysis is performed in justifyingthe limiting dynamics as epsilon goes to zero; furthermore,the analysis yields estim<strong>at</strong>es on the difference betweenthe multiscale solution and the limiting solution.We will introduce a simple yet effective time-averagingtechnique which is especially useful in general domainswhere Fourier analysis is not applicable.Some piston problems in fluid dynamicsMin DingShanghai Jiao Tong University, Chinaminding@sjtu.edu.cnThe piston problem is analyzed from the m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>icalpoint of view. Some fe<strong>at</strong>ures and phenomena caused bythe motion of the piston are revealed. We discuss somepiston problems for both classical Euler equ<strong>at</strong>ions andrel<strong>at</strong>ivistic Euler equ<strong>at</strong>ions of compressible fluids. In particular,we focus on strong shock front solutions.Over-compressive shock profile associ<strong>at</strong>edwith a simplified system from MHDLinglong DuN<strong>at</strong>ional University of Singapore, Singaporeg0901229@nus.edu.sgIn this talk, we present the wave propag<strong>at</strong>ion around anover-compressive shock profile with large amplitude for asimplified system from MHD, which is a rot<strong>at</strong>ionally invariantsystem of viscous conserv<strong>at</strong>ion laws. We showth<strong>at</strong> the solution converges pointwise to another overcompressiveprofile exponentially, when the perturb<strong>at</strong>ionsof the initial d<strong>at</strong>a to a given profile are sufficiently small.We also give the explicit structure of the solution forthe linearized system. The approach begins with an extractionof non-decaying component stacked <strong>at</strong> the shockfront, followed by an iter<strong>at</strong>ed approxim<strong>at</strong>ion process forthe remainder. This sharp estim<strong>at</strong>e is strong enough tostudy the nonlinear problem and conclude the stability ofprofile.This is a joint work with Professor Shih-Hsien Yu.Global stability of E-H type regular refractionof shocks on the interface between two mediaBeixiang FangShanghai Jiao Tong University, Chinabxfang@sjtu.edu.cnIn this talk I will discuss the refraction of shocks on theinterface for 2-d steady compressible flow. Particularly,the class of E-H type regular refraction is defined and itsglobal stability of the wave structure is verified. The 2-dsteady potential flow equ<strong>at</strong>ions is employed to describethe motion of the fluid. The stability problem of the E-Htype regular refraction can be reduced to a free boundaryproblem of nonlinear mixed type equ<strong>at</strong>ions in an unboundeddomain. The corresponding linearized problemhas similarities to a generalized Tricomi problem of thelinear Lavrentiev-Bitsadze mixed type equ<strong>at</strong>ion, and itcan be reduced to a nonlocal boundary value problemof an elliptic system. The l<strong>at</strong>ter is finally solved by establishingthe bijection of the corresponding nonlocal oper<strong>at</strong>orin a weighted Hölder space via careful harmonicanalysis.This is a joint work with CHEN Shuxing and HU Dian.Multiplicity of positive solutions for a p-q-Laplacian equ<strong>at</strong>ion with critical nonlinearitiesTsing-San HsuChang Gung University, Taiwan R.O.C.tshsu@mail.cgu.edu.twIn this talk, we study the effect of the coefficient f(x)of the critical nonlinearity on the number of positive solutionsfor a p-q-Laplacian equ<strong>at</strong>ion. Under suitable assumptionsfor f(x) and g(x), we should prove th<strong>at</strong> forsufficiently small λ > 0, there exist <strong>at</strong> least k positivesolutions of the following p-q-Laplacian equ<strong>at</strong>ion−∆ pu−∆ qu=f(x)|u| p∗ −2 u+λg(x)|u| r−2 u in Ω,u = 0 on ∂Ω,where Ω ⊂ R N is a bounded smooth domain, N > p,1 < q < N(p−1) < p ≤ max{p, p N−1 ∗ − qp−1 } < r < p∗ ,p ∗ =Np is the critical Sobolev exponent and ∆su =N−pdiv(|∇u| s−2 ∇u) is the s-Laplacian of u.The linear hyperbolic initial boundary valueproblems in a domain with cornersAimin HuangIndiana University, USAaimhuang@indiana.eduIn this article, we consider linear hyperbolic InitialBoundary Value Problems (IBVP) in a rectangle in boththe constant and variable coefficients cases. We use semigroupmethod instead of Fourier analysis to achieve thewell-posedness of the linear hyperbolic system, and wefind by diagonaliz<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> there are only two simplemodes in the system which we call hyperbolic and ellipticmodes. The hyperbolic system in consider<strong>at</strong>ion is eithersymmetric or Friedrichs-symmetrizable.On quasilinear elliptic equ<strong>at</strong>ions with variableexponentsYun-Ho KimSangmyung University, Koreakyh1213@smu.ac.krWe study the following elliptic equ<strong>at</strong>ions with variableexponents−div(φ(x, |∇u|)∇u) = λf(x, u)in Ωwhich is subject to Dirichlet boundary condition. Undersuitable conditions on φ and f, employing the vari<strong>at</strong>ionalmethods, in particular, mountain pass theorem

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