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31 PRIMA 2013 AbstractsRapoport-Zink spaces are certain moduli spaces of quasiisogeniesof p-divisible groups with additional structures,and can be regarded as local analogues of Shimura varieties.It is conjectured th<strong>at</strong> the l-adic cohomology ofRapoport-Zink spaces can be precisely decribed by meansof the local Langlands correspondence for general reductivegroups. In this talk, I will give results on rel<strong>at</strong>ionshipbetween the l-adic cohomology of Rapoport-Zink spacesand the Zelevinsky involution. I will also explain someapplic<strong>at</strong>ions to compute the l-adic cohomology.Geometrizing characters of toriDavid RoeUniversity of Calgary, Canadaroed.m<strong>at</strong>h@gmail.comThe passage from functions to sheaves has proven a valuabletool in the geometric Langlands program. In thistalk I’ll describe a “geometric av<strong>at</strong>ar” for the group ofcharacters of T (K), where T is an algebraic torus over alocal field K. I will then give some potential applic<strong>at</strong>ionsto the classical Langlands correspondence. This is jointwork with Clifton Cunningham.Twisted Bhargava cubesGordan SavinUniversity of Utah, USAsavin@m<strong>at</strong>h.utah.eduLet G be a reductive group and P = MN a maximalparabolic subgroup. The group M acts, by conjug<strong>at</strong>ion,on N/[N, N]. It is well known th<strong>at</strong>, over an algebraicallyclosed field, the group M acts transitively on a Zariskiopen set. However, over a general field, the structure oforbits may be quite non-trivial. A description my involveunexpected invariants. A notable example is when G isa split, simply connected group of type D 4 , and P is themaximal parabolic corresponding to the branching pointof the Dynkin diagram. The space N/[N, N] is also knownas the Bhargava cube, and it was the starting point of hisinvestig<strong>at</strong>ions of prehomogeneous spaces. We consider aversion of this problem for the triality D 4 . This is a jointwork with Wee Teck Gan.Stability and sign changes in p-adic harmonicanalysisLoren SpiceTexas Christian University, USAl.spice@tcu.eduReeder has described a conjectural candid<strong>at</strong>e for thepartition of certain supercuspidal represent<strong>at</strong>ions constructedby Yu (the so called toral, unramified supercuspidals)into L-packets, and verified th<strong>at</strong> it s<strong>at</strong>isfies most ofthe necessary properties. However, the problem of stabilityof the appropri<strong>at</strong>e character sums remained outstanding.In this talk, I will discuss joint work with DeBackerth<strong>at</strong> shows the necessary stability. A key ingredient isthe study of a sign associ<strong>at</strong>ed to combin<strong>at</strong>orial d<strong>at</strong>a involvingGalois orbits on a root system, which we computeunconditionally in the unramified case.Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion rel<strong>at</strong>ions for local theta correspondenceBinyong SunAcademy of M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics and Systems Science, CAS,Chinasun@m<strong>at</strong>h.ac.cnI will introduce Kudla-Rallis conjecture on first occurrencesof local theta correspondence, and explain the ideaof its proof. This is a report of a joint work with Chen-BoZhu.L-functions and theta correspondenceShunsuke YamanaKyushu University, Japanyamana@m<strong>at</strong>h.kyushu-u.ac.jpThe doubling method of Pi<strong>at</strong>etski-Shapiro and Rallis appliesin the local situ<strong>at</strong>ion to define local factors of represent<strong>at</strong>ionsof classical groups. On the one hand, theL-factor is defined as a g.c.d. of the local zeta integralsfor all good sections. On the other hand, it is definedfrom the gamma factor by using the Langlands classific<strong>at</strong>ion.In this talk I develop a theory of the zeta integraland prove th<strong>at</strong> the two candid<strong>at</strong>es of the L-factor agree.Applic<strong>at</strong>ions include a characteriz<strong>at</strong>ion of nonvanishing ofglobal theta liftings in terms of the analytic properties ofthe complete L-functions and the occurrence in the localtheta correspondence.Special Session 16Oper<strong>at</strong>or Algebras and Harmonic AnalysisUncertainty principles for infinite abeliangroupsLiming Ge, Jingsong Wu, Wenming Wu & Wei YuanUniversity of New Hampshire, USAliming@unh.eduIn this paper, we shall revisit uncertainty principle onfinite abelian groups and determine the functions th<strong>at</strong>give Tao’s lower bound in above inequality. Our mainfocus then moves to the additive integer group Z. Itsdual is identified with R/Z (= [0, 1)). Since there is nocountably additive invariant (probability) measure on Z,we shall use von Neumann’s invariant mean which is afinitely additive for any disjoint subsets. With respectto a given mean on Z and Lebesgue measure on R/Z,we show th<strong>at</strong> there is a subset S of Z with mean 1 soth<strong>at</strong> any square summable functions f supported on Shave “full” supported Fourier transform in the sense th<strong>at</strong>the closure of supp(f) is equal to [0, 1]. Symmetrical, weshow th<strong>at</strong> there is subset G of Z with mean 0 so th<strong>at</strong>, forany x ∈ [0, 1] and any ɛ > 0, all functions supported onG together with those f with supp( ˆf) ⊂ [x, x + ɛ] spana dense subset of l 2 (Z), the Hilbert space of all squaresummable functions.Oper<strong>at</strong>or theoretic analogue for Lehmer’sproblemKunyu GuoFudan Unversity, Chinakyguo@fudan.edu.cnIn this talk, we will establish a fascin<strong>at</strong>ing connectionbetween Lehmer’s problem and oper<strong>at</strong>or theory. This isa joint work with Jiayang Yu.Convolution algebras associ<strong>at</strong>ed with locallycompact quantum groupsZhiguo HuUniversity of Windsor, Canadazhiguohu@uwindsor.caWe consider the convolution algebras L 1 (G) andT (L 2 (G)) associ<strong>at</strong>ed with a locally compact quantum

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