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27 PRIMA 2013 Abstractsis well-known th<strong>at</strong> for each r<strong>at</strong>ional map f on Ĉ withdeg(f) ≥ 2, the Julia set J(f) is a non-empty perfect compactsubset of Ĉ (thus J(f) contains uncountably manypoints), f : J(f) → J(f) is chaotic (<strong>at</strong> least in the senseof Devaney), anddim H ({x ∈ Ĉ | lim infn→∞ 1 n log ‖Df n (x)‖ > 0}) > 0,where dim H denotes the Hausdorff dimension with respectto the spherical distance on Ĉ and ‖ · ‖ denotesthe norm of the deriv<strong>at</strong>ive with respect to the sphericalmetric on Ĉ. However, we show th<strong>at</strong> for generic i.i.d.random dynamical systems of complex polynomials, allof the following (1) and (2) holds.(1) For all points x ∈ Ĉ, the orbit of the Dirac measureδ x <strong>at</strong> x under the dual of the transition oper<strong>at</strong>or ofthe system converges to a periodic cycle of probabilitymeasures on Ĉ.(2) For all but countably many points x ∈ Ĉ, for almostevery sequence γ = (γ 1 , γ 2 , γ 3 , · · · ) of polynomials,the Lyapunov exponent along γ starting with x isneg<strong>at</strong>ive. More precisely, there exists a constantc < 0, which depends only on the system, such th<strong>at</strong>for all but countably many points x ∈ Ĉ, for almostevery sequence γ = (γ 1 , γ 2 , γ 3 , · · · ) of polynomials,1χ(γ, x) := lim n→∞ log ‖D(γn ◦ · · · ◦nγ 1 )(x)‖ exists and χ(γ, x) ≤ c.Note th<strong>at</strong> each of (1) and (2) cannot hold in the usualiter<strong>at</strong>ion dynamics of a single r<strong>at</strong>ional map f withdeg(f) ≥ 2. Therefore the picture of the randomcomplex dynamics is completely different fromth<strong>at</strong> of the usual complex dynamics. We remarkth<strong>at</strong> even the chaos of the random system disappears inC 0 sense, the chaos of the system may remain in C 1 sense,and we have to consider the “grad<strong>at</strong>ion between the nonchaoticityand the chaoticity”.References[1] H. Sumi, Random complex dynamics and semigroupsof holomorphic maps, Proc. London. M<strong>at</strong>h. Soc. (2011),102 (1), 50–112.[2] H. Sumi, Cooper<strong>at</strong>ion principle, stability andbifurc<strong>at</strong>ion in random complex dynamics, preprint,http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.3995.The semi-classical zeta function for contactAnosov flowMas<strong>at</strong>o TsujiiKyushu University, Japantsujii@m<strong>at</strong>h.kyushu-u.ac.jpWe consider the semi-classical (or Gutzwiller-Voros) zetafunction for a C ∞ contact Anosov flow. This is definedby the formula⎛⎞Z sc(s) = exp ⎝− ∑ ∞∑ e −s·m·|γ|⎠m · | det(Id − Dγ∈Γ m=0γ m)|1/2 where Γ is the set of prime periodic orbits. (|γ| and D γdenote the prime period and the transversal Jacobian ofγ ∈ Γ respectively. )Investig<strong>at</strong>ing the spectrum of transfer oper<strong>at</strong>ors associ<strong>at</strong>edto the flow, we prove th<strong>at</strong> the zeros of Z sc(s) arecontained in the region{s ∈ C | |R(s)| < τ or R(s) < −χ 0 + τ}for arbitrarily small τ > 0 up to finitely many exceptions,where χ 0 is the hyperbolicity exponent of the flow. Furtherwe show th<strong>at</strong> the zeros in the strip {s ∈ C | |R(s)|

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