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11 PRIMA 2013 AbstractsEnumer<strong>at</strong>ing, counting, and determining the maximumnumber of various objects in graphs have long been establishedas important areas within graph theory and graphalgorithms. As the number of enumer<strong>at</strong>ed objects is veryoften exponential in the size of the input graph, enumer<strong>at</strong>ionalgorithms fall into two c<strong>at</strong>egories depending on theirrunning time: those whose running time is measured inthe size of the input, and those whose running time ismeasured in the size of the output. Based on this, weconcentr<strong>at</strong>e on the following two types of algorithms.1. Exact exponential time algorithms. The design ofthese algorithms is mainly based on recursive branching.The running time is a function of the size of the inputgraph, and very often it also gives an upper bound on thenumber of enumer<strong>at</strong>ed objects any graph can have.2. Output polynomial algorithms. The running time ofthese algorithms is polynomial in the number of the enumer<strong>at</strong>edobjects th<strong>at</strong> the input graph actually contains.Some of these algorithms have even better running timesin form of incremental polynomial or polynomial delay,depending on the time the algorithm spends between eachconsecutive object th<strong>at</strong> is output.The methods for designing the two types of algorithmsare usually quite different. Common to both approachesis th<strong>at</strong> efforts have traditionally mainly been concentr<strong>at</strong>edon arbitray graphs, whereas graphs with particular structurehave largely been left un<strong>at</strong>tended. In this talk welook <strong>at</strong> enumer<strong>at</strong>ion of objects in graphs with specialstructure. In particular, we focus on enumer<strong>at</strong>ing minimaldomin<strong>at</strong>ing sets in various graph classes.Algorithms of type 1: The number of minimal domin<strong>at</strong>ingsets th<strong>at</strong> any graph on n vertices can have is knownto be <strong>at</strong> most 1.7159 n . This upper bound might not betight, since no examples of graphs with 1.5705 n or moreminimal domin<strong>at</strong>ing sets are known. For several classesof graphs, like chordal, split, and proper interval graphs,we substantially improve the upper bound on the numberof minimal domin<strong>at</strong>ing sets. At the same time, wegive algorithms for enumer<strong>at</strong>ing all minimal domin<strong>at</strong>ingsets, where the running time of each algorithm is withina polynomial factor of the proved upper bound for thegraph class in question. In some cases, we provide examplesof graphs containing the maximum possible numberof minimal domin<strong>at</strong>ing sets for graphs in th<strong>at</strong> class,thereby showing the corresponding upper bounds to betight.Algorithms of type 2: Enumer<strong>at</strong>ion of minimal domin<strong>at</strong>ingsets in graphs has very recently been shown to beequivalent to enumer<strong>at</strong>ion of minimal transversals in hypergraphs.The question whether the minimal transversalsof a hypergraph can be enumer<strong>at</strong>ed in output polynomialtime is a fundamental and challenging question;it has been open for several decades and has triggeredextensive research. We show th<strong>at</strong> all minimal domin<strong>at</strong>ingsets of a line graph can be gener<strong>at</strong>ed in incrementalpolynomial, and consequently output polynomial, time.We are able to improve the delay further on line graphsof bipartite graphs. Finally we show th<strong>at</strong> our methodis also efficient on graphs of large girth, resulting in anincremental polynomial time algorithm to enumer<strong>at</strong>e theminimal domin<strong>at</strong>ing sets of graphs of girth <strong>at</strong> least 7.The present<strong>at</strong>ion is based on joint works with followingco-authors: Jean-Francois Couturier, Petr Golovach, Pimvan ’t Hof, Dieter Kr<strong>at</strong>sch, and Yngve Villanger.M<strong>at</strong>rix partitionsPavol HellSimon Fraser University, Canadapavol@sfu.caI will survey recent work on vertex partitions of graphswith certain internal and certain external constraints.(These constraints are conveniently encoded in a m<strong>at</strong>rix.)Many well studied examples, especially from the study ofperfect graphs, fit into this model. The results discussedwill include both algorithms and characteriz<strong>at</strong>ions. Manyopen problem will be posed.The lexicographic methodJing HuangUniversity of Victoria, Canadajing@m<strong>at</strong>h.uvic.caLexicographic techniques have been identified as an importanttool in the design of graph algorithms. In thistalk I will give a short survey of how the techniques areused for solving graph problems such as recognitions, orient<strong>at</strong>ions,represent<strong>at</strong>ions, and homomorphisms.On m-walk-regular graphs, a generaliz<strong>at</strong>ion ofdistance-regular graphsJack KoolenUniversity of Science and Technology of China, China andPohang University of Science and Technology, Koreakoolen@postech.ac.krIn this talk I will discuss m-walk-regular graphs. Thesegraphs were introduced by Fiol and Garriga in 1999 as ageneraliz<strong>at</strong>ion of distance-regular graphs. 0-Walk-regulargraphs were earlier introduced by Godsil and McKay aswalk-regular graphs. They showed th<strong>at</strong> a graph G is walkregularif and only if the spectrum of G where I delete avertex x does not depend on the vertex x.Our main motiv<strong>at</strong>ion to study m-walk-regular graphs is tounderstand the difference between m-walk-regular graphsand distance-regular graphs. We will show th<strong>at</strong> manyresults on distance-regular graphs can be generalized to2-walk-regular graphs. We also give many examples of m-walk-regular graphs which are not distance-regular. Butwe also show th<strong>at</strong> some results on distance-regular graphsare not true for 2-walk-regular graphs.Geometric represent<strong>at</strong>ions of graphsJan Kr<strong>at</strong>ochvilCharles University in Prague, Czech Republichonza@kam.mff.cuni.czGeometric represent<strong>at</strong>ions of graphs are intensively studiedboth for their practical motiv<strong>at</strong>ion and interestingcombin<strong>at</strong>orial properties. We will survey recent developmentin this area, including recent results on coloring geometricintersection graphs and comput<strong>at</strong>ional complexityof extending partial geometric represent<strong>at</strong>ions.The practice of graph isomorphismBrendan D. McKayAustralian N<strong>at</strong>ional University, Australiabdm@cs.anu.edu.auWe are concerned with the practical aspects of computingthe automorphism groups of graphs, and determiningcanonical labellings of graphs. The speaker’s programnauty has been around since 1976, though it wasn’t calledth<strong>at</strong> until about 1983. Until a few years ago, there wasn’tvery much competition, but then came saucy, Bliss,conauto, and some other programs th<strong>at</strong> could outperformnauty in many cases.Our aim in the talk is to describe our response to thechallenge. In particular, nauty is now bundled with ahighly innov<strong>at</strong>ive program called Traces. We contendth<strong>at</strong> the present edition of Traces is now the performancechampion. The talk will describe how these programswork and give a comparison between them.This is joint work with Adolfo Piperno (University ofRome).

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