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44 PRIMA 2013 AbstractsLet G denote a Lie group. In this talk we will discussa classifying space constructed from the commuting elementsin G. We compute its cohomology and describe itsgeometry and homotopy type.Virtual neighborhood techniques in Gromov-Witten theoryBohui ChenSichuan University, Chinabohui@cs.wisc.edu>Abstract: In this talk, I will explain the construction ofvirtual orbifolds for the moduli spaces of stable curves.In particular, I will explain how to deal with the nonsmoothnessissues arised from the infinite dimensionalset-ups.Algebra of Legendrian surgeryYakov EliashbergStanford University, USAeliash m<strong>at</strong>h.stanford.eduI will discuss algebraic structures arising in connectionwith Legendrian surgery, which enter the comput<strong>at</strong>ion ofholomorphic curve invariants of Weinstein domains andtheir boundaries. This is a joint work with F. Bourgeoisand T. Ekholm.Fock sheaf of Givental quantiz<strong>at</strong>ionHiroshi IritaniKyoto University, Japaniritani@m<strong>at</strong>h.kyoto-u.ac.jpI will talk about joint work with Tom Co<strong>at</strong>es (ImperialCollege London) on a global version of Givental quantiz<strong>at</strong>ion.Based on a generalized vari<strong>at</strong>ion of Hodge structure(the so-called semi-infinite vari<strong>at</strong>ion of Hodge structure),we construct a sheaf of Fock spaces which can be identifiedwith Givental’s Fock space infinitesimally. An oppositesubspace which yields a Frobenius structure on thebase plays a role of polariz<strong>at</strong>ion in the context of geometricquantiz<strong>at</strong>ion. As applic<strong>at</strong>ions, we discuss modularityof Gromov-Witten potential of local projective plane, andalso holomorphic anomaly equ<strong>at</strong>ion.C<strong>at</strong>egories and dynamical systemsLudmil K<strong>at</strong>zarkovUniversity of Miami, USA and University of Vienna, Austrial.k<strong>at</strong>zarkov@m<strong>at</strong>h.miami.eduIn this talk we will discuss recent developments in thetheory of stability conditions of c<strong>at</strong>egories. We will outlinesome parallels with classical results from dynamicalsystems.Quasimap invariants and mirror mapsBumsig KimKorea Institute for Advanced Study, Koreabumsig@kias.re.krThe moduli spaces of stable quasimaps unify various moduliappearing in the study of Gromov-Witten Theory.We introduce big I-functions as the quasimap version ofJ-functions, generalizing Givental’s small I-functions ofsmooth toric complete intersections. The J-functions arethe GW counterparts of periods of mirror families. Wediscuss some advantages of I-functions, in particular anexplan<strong>at</strong>ion of mirror maps. This is joint work with I.Ciocan-Fontanine.The Eynard-Orantin recursion in singularitytheoryTodor MilanovKavli Institute for the Physics and M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics of theUniverse, Japantodor.milanov@ipmu.jpIt was proved recently th<strong>at</strong> the correl<strong>at</strong>ion functions ofa semi-simple cohomological field theory s<strong>at</strong>isfy the socalled local Eynard–Orantin topological recursion. In mytalk, I would like to explain this result in the settings ofsingularity theory. In my earlier work with B. Bakalov,we have constructed a certain twisted represent<strong>at</strong>ion ofthe Heisenberg vertex oper<strong>at</strong>or algebra associ<strong>at</strong>ed withthe vanishing cohomology of the singularity. The kernel ofthe Eynard-Orantin recursion is essentially obtained fromthe so called oper<strong>at</strong>or product expansion of the fields th<strong>at</strong>define the represent<strong>at</strong>ion. Finally, I would like to reportmy progress on finding the global recursion, which seemsto be rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the theory of W -algebras.Orbifold Hurwitz numbers and Eynard-Orantin invariantsPaul NorburyUniversity of Melbourne, Australianorbury@unimelb.edu.auI will describe a generalis<strong>at</strong>ion of simple Hurwitz numbersdue to Johnson, Pandharipande and Tseng and proveth<strong>at</strong> they s<strong>at</strong>isfy the topological recursion of Eynard andOrantin. This generalises the Bouchard-Marino conjectureand places Hurwitz-Hodge integrals, which arise inthe Gromov-Witten theory of target curves with orbifoldstructure, in the context of the Eynard-Orantin topologicalrecursion.Transl<strong>at</strong>ed points and contact rigiditySheila SandonUniversité de Nantes, Francesheila.sandon@univ-nantes.frI will discuss the role played by transl<strong>at</strong>ed points ofcontactomorphisms in contact rigidity phenomena suchas non-squeezing, orderability and the existence of biinvariantmetrics on the contactomorphism group. I willthen either concentr<strong>at</strong>e on presenting the construction ofthe discriminant metric on the contactomorphism group(which is joint work with Vincent Colin) or discuss ananalogue for transl<strong>at</strong>ed points of the Arnold conjectureon fixed points of Hamiltonian symplectomorphisms, anda joint work in progress with Yasha Savelyev and EgorShelukhin to prove this conjecture by constructing a Floerhomology theory for transl<strong>at</strong>ed points.On a certain generaliz<strong>at</strong>ion of Virasoro constraintsfor Frobenius manifoldsYoujin ZhangTsinghua University, Chinayoujin@mail.tsinghua.edu.cnWe show th<strong>at</strong> the Virasoro oper<strong>at</strong>ors associ<strong>at</strong>ed to anarbitray Frobenius manifold admit certain deform<strong>at</strong>ionswhich give additional constraints for the genus zero freeenergy of the Frobenius manifold. We discuss applic<strong>at</strong>ionsof such additional constraints and their analoguesfor higher genus free energies.Gopakumar-Vafa invariants of local Calabi-Yau 3-Folds

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