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12 PRIMA 2013 AbstractsStructural limits in logical and analytic contextJaroslav NešetřilCharles University in Prague, Czech Republicnesetril@iuuk.mff.cuni.czWe survey recent development of limits of graphs (andother structures) in the unifying context of model theory.Particularly, this leads to the analysis of limits of sparsegraphs (with unbounded degrees). This is joint work withP<strong>at</strong>rice Ossona de Mendez (EHESS, Paris).Unavoidable vertex-minors in large primegraphsSang-il OumKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Koreasangil@kaist.eduA graph is prime (with respect to the split decomposition)if its vertex set does not admit a partition (A, B)(called a split) with |A|, |B| ≥ 2 such th<strong>at</strong> if a pair of verticesin A have neighbors in B, then they have the sameset of neighbors in B. We prove th<strong>at</strong> for each t, every sufficientlylarge prime graph must contain a vertex-minorisomorphic to either a cycle of length t or a graph consistingof two vertices joined by t 3-edge p<strong>at</strong>hs and no otheredges. This is a joint work with O-joung Kwon (KAIST).The structure of a typical H-free graphBruce ReedMcGill University, Canadabreed@cs.mcgill.caWe discuss the structure of a typical graph which does notcontain H as an induced subgraph and prove a weakeningof the Erdos-Hajnal conjecture. The talk presents jointwork with F. Havet, R. Kang, P. Keevash, M. Loebl, C.McDiarmid, J. Noel, A. Scott, and A. Thomason.Hamiltonian cycles in prismsMoshe RosenfeldUniversity of Washington, Tacoma, USAmoishe@uw.eduThe prism over a graph G is the Cartesian product ofG with K 2 . My interest in prisms began in 1973 whenI tried to tackle Dave Barnette’s conjecture (1970) th<strong>at</strong>all simple 4-polytopes are Hamiltonian (still open). Subsequently,we merged the study of Hamiltonian cycles inprisms with other refinements of Hamiltonian cycles. Weobserved th<strong>at</strong> if G has a Hamiltonian prism then G hasa spanning closed 2-walk but the opposite is not true,th<strong>at</strong> is having a Hamiltonian prism is "closer" to beingHamiltonian than having a spanning, closed 2-walk. Thisobserv<strong>at</strong>ion cre<strong>at</strong>ed many opportunities to study variousclassical problems on Hamiltonicity of graphs.In this talk I will discuss some results on prism Hamiltonicity,further refinements of Hamiltonicity and rel<strong>at</strong>edopen problems.On the comput<strong>at</strong>ion of the Radon number insome graph convexitiesJayme L SzwarcfiterFederal University of Rio de Janeiro, Braziljayme@nce.ufrj.brA graph convexity is a pair (G, C), where G is a finitegraph with vertex V (G) and C a family of subsets ofV (G) s<strong>at</strong>isfying ∅, V (G) ∈ C and being closed under intersections.The sets C ∈ C are called convex sets. Themost common graph convexities are those whose convexsets are defined through special p<strong>at</strong>hs of the graph.Among them the most prominent are the geodesic convexity,where C is closed under taking shortest p<strong>at</strong>hs, themonophonic convexity, where C is closed under inducedsubgraphs and the P 3 convexity, whose convex sets areclosed under pairs of common neighbors. In special, thel<strong>at</strong>ter is closely rel<strong>at</strong>ed to some well studied graph processes,as percol<strong>at</strong>ion and conversion processes. We examinesome common parameters of graph convexities, as thegeodetic number, convexity number, hull number, Hellynumber, Car<strong>at</strong>héodory number and Radon number. Inparticular, we describe complexity results rel<strong>at</strong>ed to thecomput<strong>at</strong>ion of the Radon number. These include hardnessresults, polynomial-time algorithms and bounds.A class of periodic continued fractions andfactoriz<strong>at</strong>ion in modular groupMikhail TyaglovShanghai Jiao Tong University, Chin<strong>at</strong>yaglov@sjtu.edu.cnIn this talk we introduce some properties of periodiccontinued fractions of the form−1 −1 −1b 1 + b 2 +···+ b} {{ n}n+−1 −1 −1b 1 + b 2 +···+ b · · · , (1)} {{ n +}nwhere b k are (positive) integers. Such continued fractionsare called periodic neg<strong>at</strong>ive-regular continuedfraction. By Tietze’s theorem [1], the fraction (1)converges to an irr<strong>at</strong>ional number if |b k | 2 (exceptfor the case |b k | = 2 for all k).We have proved th<strong>at</strong> without the requirement |b k | 2 the fraction (1) may converge to r<strong>at</strong>ional numbersor diverge. This is the difference between neg<strong>at</strong>iveregularcontinued fractions and classical regular continuedfractions. The last one always converge toirr<strong>at</strong>ional numbers.Several algorithms for construction of periods{b 1, . . . , b n} of periodic neg<strong>at</strong>ive-regular continuedfractions converging to r<strong>at</strong>ional numbers are given.The periods of a given length can be obtained by Ferm<strong>at</strong>’sinfinite descent method applied to some Diophantineequ<strong>at</strong>ions. An explicit simple formula forthe minimal period for x is presented. A constructionusing the Calkin-Wilf tree and Stern’s di<strong>at</strong>omic seriesis described. Arbitrary primitive periods are in oneto-onecorrespondence with elements of the modulargroup Γ. Explicit formulas converting products ofthe standard gener<strong>at</strong>ors S and ST in Γ into primitiveperiods are obtained. The periods of elliptic elementsof Γ are completely described. This description resultsin a parametric formula for primitive periods ofr<strong>at</strong>ional numbers. A periodic neg<strong>at</strong>ive-regular continuedfraction diverges if and only if either its periodor its double or its triple represents the identity inΓ.[1] H. Tietze, "Uber Kriterien für Konvergenz undIrr<strong>at</strong>ionalität unendlicher Ketenbrüche”, M<strong>at</strong>h. Ann.70 (1911).The graph isomorphism problem on geometricgraphs

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