Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Encyclopedia of Homeopathy


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98 •MAJOR MINERAL REMEDIESStibium sulphuratum nigrum syn. Antimonium crudumANTIMONIUM CRUD.KEY SYMPTOMS sentimentality • dislike <strong>of</strong> being touched or looked at • insatiableappetite • thick, white coating on the tongue • digestive problemsAntimony occurs naturally in crystalline form as the mineral stibnite,which was used (as kohl) by women in ancient Rome and theMiddle East as a cosmetic. Prepared chemically for various industrialpurposes, it is <strong>of</strong>ten used to coat the tips <strong>of</strong> matches, since it igniteswhen struck against red phosphorus. The homeopathic remedy wasproved by Hahnemann and his colleague, Caspari, in 1828. It isprescribed primarily for skin problems and digestive disorders.ANTIMONY This substance can be derivedfrom the prismatic crystals <strong>of</strong> stibnite,which are opaque with a metallic luster.STIBNITEREMEDY PROFILEAntimonium crud. is associated withsentimental people who yearn for the past.They can be withdrawn, sulky, irritablepeople, prone to experiencing grief, seriousdepression, or despondency after a failedromance. They <strong>of</strong>ten dislike being touchedor even spoken to. When ill, children who fitthis pr<strong>of</strong>ile cannot bear being looked at andhave a tendency to cry. Both adults andchildren <strong>of</strong> this disposition may haveinsatiable appetites, yet in some cases thereis a strong aversion to food, which caneventually lead to emaciation.Typical physical symptoms includerecurring digestive problems and theappearance <strong>of</strong> a thick, white coating on thetongue. The feet tend to be sensitive andprone to ailments such as corns and calluses,which make walking painful.Antimonium crud. is typically prescribedfor certain skin conditions and infections,as well as for toothaches, digestive problems,and gout.Skin & nail conditionsSYMPTOMS Calluses, warts, and corns that mayform on the hands, under the fingernails(especially if the nails are damaged), on thesoles <strong>of</strong> the feet, and on the tips <strong>of</strong> the toes.The skin may thicken, chap, or roughen easily,and cracked patches may form, particularlyaround the nostrils and the corners <strong>of</strong> themouth. The nails may split repeatedly.Symptoms better For rest; in the evening.Symptoms worse For cold; for strong heat;for touch.Skin infections with a rashSYMPTOMS A rash on the trunk, arms,and legs, inside the mouth or, in the case<strong>of</strong> chicken pox, behind the ears, withmild fever. There may be eczema, urticaria(hives), or rashes that resemble measles, withitching that becomes worse in a warmenvironment such as a bed. Fluid-filledblisters, <strong>of</strong>ten due to impetigo, mayappear in patches, usually around thenose and mouth.Symptoms better For rest; in the evening.Symptoms worse For cold; for strong heat;for touch.ToothacheSYMPTOMS Persistent, gnawing toothache,usually caused by decaying teeth. The paincan extend to the head.Symptoms better For fresh air; for rest.Symptoms worse At night; for eating; for coldfoods and drinks.Digestive disordersSYMPTOMS Indigestion, with belching,nausea, and possibly vomiting <strong>of</strong> bile.The abdomen feels either bloated or empty,and stomach ulcers may have formed.Diarrhea alternates with constipation.The tongue has a thick, white coating, andthere may be a headache. The digestion ishighly sensitive, yet there may be cravingsfor sour foods that aggravate it, such aspickles, vinegar, and wine. Overindulgenceand pregnancy <strong>of</strong>ten trigger the symptoms.The remedy is given to babies who vomitbreast milk and will not suckle, or totheir mothers.SOURCE DETAILSORIGINFound naturally in the mineral stibnite, whichforms as crystals in quartz veins throughoutmany parts <strong>of</strong> the US and Europe.BACKGROUNDUsed to treat horses with damagedhooves, and to fatten pigs and cattle.Industrially, used to purify gold and toline brass instruments.PREPARATIONStibnite is roasted and heated with carbonto extract the antimony, which is thentriturated with lactose sugar, diluted,and succussed.COMMON NAMESAntimony, black sulfide <strong>of</strong> antimony.Symptoms better For rest.Symptoms worse During the night; for touch;for sour or starchy foods; for cold foodsand drinks.GoutSYMPTOMS Inflammation and redness inaffected joints (<strong>of</strong>ten in the big toe). Joint painimpedes walking if the leg or foot are affected.A mild fever may set in, and there may beunease and restlessness, with tense andjumpy muscles.Symptoms better For rest.Symptoms worse For cold; for strong heat;for touch.See also Toothaches, page 232; Indigestion, page 234; Skin, page 240

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