Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Encyclopedia of Homeopathy


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MINOR REMEDIES• 141are accompaniedby a fear <strong>of</strong> death,or a fear thatmoving—especiallywalking—may causethe heart to stop beating. There is a desire forbitter things and <strong>of</strong>ten visual disturbance. Heartdisorders that respond well to treatment withDigitalis are typically accompanied by pains inthe region <strong>of</strong> the heart, a slow pulse, faintness,and nausea. The remedy is also used for liverproblems, particularly if they occur inconjunction with heart symptoms.Symptoms better For cool air; for rest; forlying on the back; for an empty stomach; forfrequent urination.Symptoms worse For heat; for standing up;for exertion; for movement; for lying on theleft side; for sexual excess.See also Palpitations, page 186Dioscorea villosaDIOSCOREADIGITALISPURPUREA(Common foxglove)COMMON NAMES Wild yam, colic root.ORIGIN Native to North and Central America.BACKGROUND A traditional Aztec remedy forpain, wild yam was commonly used in CentralAmerica for colic and menstrual pain. It wasalso used in the production <strong>of</strong> the firstcontraceptive pill.PREPARATION The fresh root is dug up after theplant has flowered. It is then chopped andmacerated in alcohol.Remedy pr<strong>of</strong>ilePeople for whom this remedy is mostappropriate are prone to irritability, stress,and nervousness, and want to be left alone.Key symptoms associated with Dioscorea areneuralgic and colicky pains, primarilyaffecting the gastrointestinal system.The pains are typically severe,cutting, cramping, and grinding, andradiate out in all directions from acentral point that may shift location. Theymay affect the area <strong>of</strong> the liver, radiatingupward to the right nipple. In women, thepains may occur during menstruation. In men,Dioscorea is typically prescribed to treat renalcolic associated with kidney stones, sharppains radiating down the testicles and legs,and cold, clammy perspiration.Symptoms better For stretching out; for bendingbackward; for standing erect; for movement; forfirm pressure on the affected area; for belching.Symptoms worse For doubling over; for lyingdown; from 2 a.m. onward; for eating; fordrinking tea.Drosera rotundifoliaDROSERACOMMON NAMES Sundew, common sundew,round-leaved sundew, red rot,youthwort, moorgrass.ORIGIN Grows in Europe, Asia, andNorth America.BACKGROUND Sundew was taken in the 16thand 17th centuries for melancholia. In 1735the Irish Herbal advised that it could be usedto “eat away rotten sores.”PREPARATION The whole,fresh, flowering plant ismacerated in alcohol.DROSERAROTUNDIFOLIA(Sundew)Remedy pr<strong>of</strong>ileDrosera is usually prescribed to treat adeep, violent, spasmodic cough, especiallywhooping cough. Associated symptomsmay include restlessness, anxiety, retching,vomiting, cold sweats, and nosebleeds.There may also be a feeling that there isa feather or crumb in the larynx, whichtriggers coughing. The voice is <strong>of</strong>tentoneless, hoarse, and deep.There is some indication that Droseramay be helpful in treating behavioralproblems, particularly in children. It is bestsuited to children who are restless, anxious,peevish, and distrustful. Their emotionsseem unbalanced, and they <strong>of</strong>ten havedifficulty concentrating. Their anxiety mayincrease when they are alone, and can beassociated with a fear <strong>of</strong> ghosts.Drosera may also be given for childhoodgrowing pains, especially if they areaccompanied by emotional imbalance.Symptoms may include stiff ankles andpains in the joints and bones, particularlyaffecting the hips and thighs.Symptoms better For open air; for movement; forwalking; for sitting up; for pressure on theaffected area.Symptoms worse For warmth; after midnight;for lying down; for cold foods.See also Whooping cough, page 250Echinacea angustifoliaECHINACEACOMMON NAMES Echinacea, coneflower.ORIGIN Native to North America, and nowcultivated in Europe and the US.BACKGROUND Native Americans used echinaceafor toothache and sore throats. Long considereda herbal “cure-all” and thought to stimulate theimmune system.PREPARATION The fresh plant, including the root,is pulped and steeped in alcohol.Remedy pr<strong>of</strong>ileEchinacea is typically prescribed for itsantiseptic properties, to treat abscesses, boils,carbuncles, swollen glands, animal and insectbites and stings, septicemia, and diphtheria.The remedy is also given to treat cancer,especially as an analgesic in the late stages <strong>of</strong>the illness. Typical physical symptoms includechilliness, tiredness, and weakness, withaching muscles, considerable weight loss,debility, and foul-smelling discharges.Symptoms better For rest; forlying down; after physical ormental exertion.Symptoms worse For cold; for cold air.

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