Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Encyclopedia of Homeopathy


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MINOR REMEDIES• 145eating, as if a stone is rolling from side to sidein the stomach. Eating may be followed by astrange sense <strong>of</strong> emptiness in the stomach.There may be green, frothy, watery diarrheathat is expelled with great force.Symptoms better For open air.Symptoms worse For summer; foreating; for drinking excessiveamounts <strong>of</strong> water; for c<strong>of</strong>fee.Guaiacum <strong>of</strong>ficinaleGUAIACUMCOMMON NAME Lignum vitae.ORIGIN Native to SouthAmerica and theCaribbean Islands.BACKGROUND In the 16th century,native Americans were found to beusing lignum vitae for venereal disease andsyphilis, and it became popular in Europe untildiscredited in the 18th century.PREPARATION The resin obtained from the treeis macerated in alcohol.Remedy pr<strong>of</strong>ileGuaiacum is most appropriate for narrowmindedpeople who tend to be obstinate,overcritical, and inflexible. This mental rigidityis mirrored by a fixation <strong>of</strong>the joints. The remedy is most commonlyused for great arthritic or rheumatic joint pain,especially in the wrists. Arthritic pain mayfeel worse for heat, and there may also bea sensation <strong>of</strong> swelling, tension, and tautness inthe muscles, as if they are too short. There isa strong desire to yawn and stretch. In children,the remedy pr<strong>of</strong>ile may include growing pains.Symptoms better For cold, wet weather; for coldcompresses; for apples.Symptoms worse For heat; for wet weather; fortouch; for movement; for exertion; forrapid growth.Hamamelis virginianaHAMAMELISCOMMON NAME Virginia witch hazel.ORIGIN Native to Canada and eastern and centralUS, and grown in Europe.BACKGROUND Native Americans used witch hazelin poultices for tumors and inflammations. It isused as an herbal first-aid remedy for itsastringent properties.PREPARATION Fresh, chopped bark from thetwigs and root is steeped in alcohol.Remedy pr<strong>of</strong>ilePeople who respond best to Hamamelis <strong>of</strong>tenfeel a lack <strong>of</strong> appreciation and respect fromothers prior to illness, which tends to makethem become depressed and solitary. Whenill, they are prone to feelings <strong>of</strong> restlessnessand irritability.The remedy’s primary use is in treatinghemorrhoids and varicose veins. The veinsare typically inflamed and weak. There issusceptibility to hemorrhaging, such as heavyperiods in women or nosebleeds. Bleedingis generally slow to stop, and is usuallyaccompanied by calm. Hamamelis mayalso be used for injuries to the eye.Symptoms better For fresh air; for reading; forthinking; for talking.Symptoms worse For warm, damp air; forpressure on the affected area; for movement.See also Varicose veins, page 230;Hemorrhoids, page 238Hekla lavaHEKLAHAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA(Virginia witch hazel)COMMON NAME Hekla lava.ORIGIN Volcanic ash from the immediate vicinity<strong>of</strong> Mt. Hekla in Iceland.BACKGROUND Mt. Hekla last erupted in 2000. Itslava contains aluminum silicate, magnesium,calcium, and iron oxide.PREPARATION Ash is triturated with lactose sugarto make the tincture.Remedy pr<strong>of</strong>ileHekla is best suited to people who are rathervolcanic in temperament. They usually suppressany anger, but after a certain point they erupt.The remedy is typically used for bonedisorders, such as exostosis (benign bonyoutgrowths) or osteitis (inflammation <strong>of</strong> thebone). It is considered particularly suitable fortreating sarcoma (cancer <strong>of</strong> the connectivetissue) and osteosarcoma (a malignant bonetumor), especially if they occur in the jaw,head, or legs. Glandular swellings,particularly those in the neck,can also be treated with Hekla,as can toothaches.Symptoms better For continuedmovement; toward 3 p.m.Symptoms worse For pressureon the affected area; for sitting;on beginning to move.See also Cancer, page 208Hippomane mancinellaMANCINELLACOMMON NAMES Manchineel, manzanilla,Beach apple.ORIGIN Found in the West Indies.BACKGROUND The sap <strong>of</strong> this tree, or even justthe smoke from its wood when burning, is soacrid that it can cause blindness on contactwith the eyes.PREPARATION The fresh fruits, leaves, and bark<strong>of</strong> the tree are chopped and steeped in alcohol.Remedy pr<strong>of</strong>ileMancinella is used primarily for mental ratherthan physical symptoms. It is most appropriatefor people who fear that they may becomeinsane and lose control <strong>of</strong> their minds, due tothe intrusion <strong>of</strong> evil thoughts or possession byevil spirits. Their feelings are intensified bywatching horror movies, and their anxietiesmay become obsessive or even lead to apsychological breakdown. An advancedbreakdown may cause the memory todeteriorate, with forgetfulness from one minuteto the next. Mancinella is also prescribed forconfused feelings about sexuality that arebound up with the fear <strong>of</strong> being possessed byevil spirits, especially if these feelings occurduring puberty or the menopause.Physical symptoms typically associatedwith Mancinella include skin problems suchas dermatitis. They are generally accompaniedby an oozing, sticky serum, which may formcrusts or blisters, or stinging blisters on the soles<strong>of</strong> the feet, with acrid, sticky foot perspiration.The sense <strong>of</strong> smell may be affected bystrange illusions, such as phantom smells <strong>of</strong>gunpowder or dung. There may be a peppery,burning sensation in the mouth, along with ataste <strong>of</strong> blood and copious yellow saliva.Symptoms better For rubbing the affected area;for walking.Symptoms worse For cold; for damp; for touch;for puberty; for menopause.

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