General Catalogue

General Catalogue

General Catalogue

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The SpectroDirect is a modern single-beamspectrophotometer with an excellent price/performanceratio that is specifically designed for watertesting.The instrument is equipped with a wide range ofpre-programmed methods based on the provenrange of Lovibond ® tube tests, tablet reagents,liquid reagents and powder reagents (VarioPowder Packs).OpticsThe SpectroDirect is a single-beam spectralphotometer (see illustration).The light source is a tungsten halogen lamp withflash function. The lamp is switched on onlymomentarily during of the measurement process 1) ,so there is no need for a warm-up period. TheSpectroDirect is ready to perform a self-test as soonas it is switched on.The light passes through an entry slot to the monochromator,where it is split into spectral ranges.The monochromator is a holographically produced,transparent grating. The movable mirror ensuresthat light of the desired wavelength is focusedautomatically so that it passes through the exit slot,into the sample chamber and therefore throughthe water sample. The light that is not absorbedby the sample travels to the silicon photodiodedetector. This signal is then evaluated by a microprocessorand shown as a result in the display.1) (Exception: permanent light is used for a wavelength scan).Multifunctionalsample chamberRound vials measuring 16 mm and 24 mm in diameterand rectangular cells with pathlengths from10 to 50 mm may be used without an adapter.Only the 10 mm cell will be fixed by a little holderthat must inserted into the sample chamber.New methodsTest methods are continuously updated to suitmarket requirements.You can find updates for new methods andadditional languages on our website atwww.lovibond.com.Functions■ Pre-programmed Lovibond ® methods■ Absorption■ Transmission■ Spectral data recording■ User calibration (polynomials)■ Concentration (linear)■ Kinetics<strong>General</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> November 2010Self-testAfter it is switched on, the SpectroDirect automaticallyperforms a self-test – beginning with a functiontest of the stepper motor and the halogenlamp, followed by an optics test. For this purpose,the unit has a built-in didymium glass filter. Thisfilter checks the correct wavelength setting. If thewavelengths are incorrect, the optical system isautomatically adjusted during the self-test.MaintenanceThanks to the design of the SpectroDirect, the onlymaintenance that is required is replacement ofthe light source. The lamp is situated at the backof the photometer in an easily accessible position.Changing the lamp is fast and simple and does notrequire any tools. The positioning of the assemblyensures optimum focusing of the halogen lamp.Power supplyThe required input voltage is 12 V.The SpectroDirect is connected to an externalpower pack as standard. Battery operation is alsopossible by using an external energy station (seeaccessories).Choice of languageThe user prompt in the display can be switchedto German, English, French, Italian, Spanish orPortugese. If further languages are available theycan be updated via internet.N.I.S.T. TraceabilityThis spectrophotometer can be tested using aSecondary Standard Filter Set (order code 711160)which is N.I.S.T. traceable. Furthermore theinstrument may be calibrated for each method ina "user calibration mode” with N.I.S.T. traceablestandards.1) 6)2)3)1) Tungsten halogen lamp2) Monochromator3) Movable mirror4) Sample chamber5) Silicon photodiode6) Microprocessor unit4)5)Photometry71

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