Arçelik A.Ş. Sustainability Report 2011

Arçelik A.Ş. Sustainability Report 2011

Arçelik A.Ş. Sustainability Report 2011

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<strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>Green Approach in Resource ManagementDeveloping efficient and sustainable business processesand continuous improvement of our performance in this fieldhave a pivotal place in our business strategy. For realizingthis, we always keep one major question in our mind: “Howwe can produce more by allocating even fewer resources?”The efficient use of resources means consuming less energy,water and raw material in every process. The increasing ofthe efficiency in resource consumption is important for manydimensions of our activities. By using fewer resources, wecan increase profitability, develop our corporate sustainabilityperformance, and produce less emissions, wastewater andwaste. Most significantly, by using fewer resources we cantake the most fundamental step in combating the climatechange, the most important problem of our day.Combatting Climate ChangeThe reason for the increase of greenhouse gas (GHG) inatmosphere which causes the climate change is emissionsarising from energy consumption. The increase in energyconsumption due to population growth causes our planetto become unable to level its sensitive balance with its ownnatural possibilities. The climate change is not only anenvironmental threat but also a social and economical one.At Arçelik A.fi. we take climate change as a significant riskto the future of the world and the sustainability of ourcompany, and as a responsible corporate citizen we pursuefirm-level studies in combating this problem. We focus ourcombating climate change strategy, which is the biggestcomponent of our environment management, into 3 mainpoints: to continuously increase resource efficiency in alloperational processes from supply to distribution; to provideour customers with green products that has the highestwater and energy saving values; to conduct awarenessraising informing studies regarding climate change and tosupport solution initiatives.Arçelik A.fi. has become a member of Climate Platform inMay 2 <strong>2011</strong>, which is founded as an independent and nonprofitinitiative by Regional Environment Center Turkey (REC)and TÜS‹AD (Turkish Industry and Business Association)collaboration, to support the studies that combat the climatechange and the transition to low carbon economy. Thisplatform’s Turkish Climate Platform of the Corporate LeadersGroup term spokesman is Arçelik A.fi.’s CEO LeventÇak›ro¤lu.As a result of the fact that Kyoto Protocol’s first commitmentperiod was to end in 2012, which is the most importantformal document that regulates the international climateregime, how the new climate regime was going to be formedwas discussed in World Climate Summit in Durban, SouthAfrica. Levent Çak›ro¤lu, the CEO of Arçelik A.fi., representedTurkey as the term spokesman of Turkish Climate Platformof the Corporate Leaders in United Nations 17 th Conferenceof the Parties on Climate Change, which was conductedwith the participation of government representatives,international organizations and NGOs from 190 countries.Speaking in the panel named “Towards Rio +20, BusinessLeaders Build the Change,” Levent Çak›ro¤lu shared hisopinions regarding the role and leadership of private sectorin green development. He also participated in GlobalBusiness World Day which was conducted within the scopeof the summit by World Sustainable Business Council. Hespoke in the panel themed “Why the Business World ShouldBe the Driving Force for Environment?” and named “Carryingon with Action: Development for the Business World andEveryone”.Arçelik A.fi., which in line with its “Respects the Globe,Respected Globally” vision supports the national andinternational projects carried out by business world that aimreducing climate change impacts, has signed in 28 October<strong>2011</strong> the 2˚C Challenge Communique.Arçelik A.fi. takes climate change as a significant risk withenvironmental, social and economic dimensions thatendangers the sustainability of the world and continues tosupport local and international projects in this regard. Thus,Arçelik A.fi. signed 2˚C Challenge Communique which wasprepared by Corporate Leaders Network (CLN), which wassigned by over 200 company directors of different sectorsfrom 29 countries.scArçelik A.fi. combats climate change at all levels of thecompany. A team comprised of 12 Arçelik A.fi. employeesclimbed Africa’s highest mountain Kilimanjaro to drawattention to global warming. The climb to the mountain,which has lost 85% of its icecaps since 1912, was conductedin 17-25 September and the team was comprised of ArçelikA.fi. employees from Turkey, Russia, Germany, Romaniaand France.17

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