Brochure: HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax

Brochure: HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax

Brochure: HUBER Belt Screen EscaMax


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WASTE WATER Solutions➤ The challenge – Our solutionWe have been challenged to provide screens combiningever increasing separation efficiency with operationalreliability. The <strong>EscaMax</strong>® <strong>Screen</strong> is our answer to thischallenge.State-of-the-art design of a perforated plate screen thatguarantees the highest efficiency, lowmaintenance and long life required attention to everydetail.Our Perforated Plate <strong>Screen</strong> <strong>EscaMax</strong>® sets newstandards, due to its innovative features.➤ Functional details of the <strong>HUBER</strong> <strong>Belt</strong> <strong>Screen</strong> <strong>EscaMax</strong>®Innovative cleaning system with a rotating brushThe distinctive feature of the innovative perforatedplate cleaning system compared to other state-of-theartsystems is its significantly improved efficiency due toits special arrangement and counterrotating brush.Other systems require an additional scraper roller toremove screenings from the trough edge.A counterrotating brush eliminates this problem so thatno additional scraper roller is required for trough edgecleaning.Wear-resistant plastic elements ensure proper sealingbetween the travelling screening elements andthe frame whilst the perforated plates are moving. Theconnection between the plastic and screening elementsis designed to allow quick and easy replacement.The submerged chain wheel bearing consists of ahighly wear-resistant and maintenance-free ceramicbearing which has proven its reliability for years in ourgrit washing plants.The drive chain is made of hardened wear-resistant steel.The chain and chain wheels are electrogalvanised andyellow chromated for durable corrosion protection. Asan option, the chains and chain wheels are available instainless steel.counterrotatingbrush roller

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