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CHAPTER FIVE : REACTIONS .From the types of ageing that we are accustomed to, we might assume that, if therewere two unstable <strong>particles</strong>, then the one which had lived longer would be more likel yto decay than the other . However, this is not case, and, if the two particle smentioned were of the same typ e, then each would have an equal probability of decayin gfirst . All that it is possible to say is that, if we have a large number of a giventype of particle, then the average decay time will be the lifetime or mean life.,T ,Of that type of particle . We find that the probability, Ps, that a particle of mea nlife T decays in the next short interval of time s is given byPs . s/T ,so long as s«-r . Thus we may deduce that the number of <strong>particles</strong> remaining after atime t, N(t) is given byN(t) a ne tr1 rwhere n is the initial number of <strong>particles</strong>, T is their lifetime, and e is h'uler' sconstant . This exponential decay function has been amply tested by both practical an dtheoretical work . We must note that the lifetime of a given particle is measured whe nthe particle is at rest, and that when a group of <strong>particles</strong> travels at a relativisti cvelocity, as in a high-energy accelerator, the Fitzgerald-Lorentz time dilation equatio nt . - t- (V/c2 l xbecomes important .Let us now consider how we may represent pictorially the reactions between <strong>particles</strong> .The best method is to use Feynman diagrams, which were first suggested in 1949 byR .Feynman . These diagrams are graphs, where time is plotted along the x-axis, and on edimension of space is plotted along the y-axis . We will discuss the significance o fFeynman diagrams at a later stage . We will consider two basic types of reaction here .Let us have four <strong>particles</strong>, P, Q, Y, and Z, taking part in our reactions . In th efirst type of reaction, P and enter a 'black box' and Y and Z emerge from it, an dthere was no virtual emission of quanta involved . This type of reaction is known a sa single-vertex reaction . A reaction in which one virtual quantum is involved, such a sp+rr"yn ,is known as a two-vertex reaction, because the <strong>particles</strong> interact at two distinc tpoints in space : first, where the-I - is emitted, and second where it is absorbed . I tis often found that there are more virtual exchanges occurring in the 'black box 'than were initially thought . It is useful to use the rule that a particle enterin gthe black box is equivalent to its antiparticle leaving it . An example of a black boxreaction in experimental particle <strong>physics</strong> might b ep+v'--w prn - ,where an important particle in the reaction is uncharged and therefore difficult t odetect . rxamples of Feynman diagrams may be found in most text-books on particl e<strong>physics</strong> .From our study of quantum numbers, we know that there are various conservatio nlaws which are never broken in particular types of interaction . A interesting consequenceof the conservation laws is the theory of decays known as the theory of'communicating channels' or states . A decay is considered to be complete when th e<strong>particles</strong> produced in it have travelled out of the field of influence of the initialpaticle . The theory of communicating states, which we will meet again in chapter 6,

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