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deduce the general relatio n7, Pr .The shape of the cross-section - energy graph at resonance is given by the Breit-Wigne rformula6, = 1/((E-Fr)1+ (7/ 2 )2 ) ,where n is the energy at renorace, and 8 is the energy at which the width of th ecurve, V, has beer measured . The spin of a resonance is measured by the carefu lobservation of the angular distribution of its d e cay products, and, in the case of th eit is 3/2 . We know that the orbital angular momentum, 1, of the pion and nucleon i nthe A. particle is 1 . Thus we know that its parity i sP(11) P(N) (-1)~ 43 -The A. particle was the first resonance discovered in a formation experiment ,using cross-section - energy graphs . However, its statue as a resonance was no tconfirmed until it was also detected in a production experiment, where it acted as aparticle, rather than a favourite interaction energy . It was not, in fact, the firs tresonance to be revealed in a production experiment, but, for the sake of homogeneitywe will discuss its production experiment . We consider the reactio nPP — anA'" --a. nprt '.If there were no intermediate stage, then the neutron produced ahould have a complet erange of different energies . However, when protons of 2 .8 GeV were used, only a verysmall spread of value ., corre sp onding to the macs uncertainty of the 0 , peaked aroun d1 .62 GeV was found . It can be shown that this corresponds to the neutrons recoilin gfrom a single particle of mass 12.36 MeV, which is an acceptable experimental error .The first particle to be discovered in a resonance production experiment was th eY* particle . In late 1960, Alston, Alvarez, 3berhard, Good, Graziano, Ticho, and Wojkick iset out, using the accelerator at the Lawrence radiation Laboratory, to study th eprocessK 7+ p -4/47+7 7to see if any resonances could be produced . They allowed a magnetically-separate dkaon beam to enter a liquid hydrogen bubble chamber, and steadily increased its energy .Every 20 - 100 MeV, batches of photographs were taken of the reactions in the bubbl echamber . By 1960, there was good evidence from decay product momentum analysis, t oshow that the processK-+ p —~ - +1T -+ —~ +-++r 4. -was occurring . The mass of the Y " resonance was found to be about 1385 MeV and it sbandwidth to be about 60 MeV .We will not, at this point, follow the historical development of resonance<strong>physics</strong>, but we will consider our current knowledge of the baryon resonances . No tonly have a considerable number of S• 0 and S= -1 baryon resonances been found, bu talso a few S .-2 ones . An example of one of these is the particle with a mass o f1530 MeV discovered by Bertanza et al . in 1962 . They showed that the proces sK +p--,=* K --s1T Ktook place by measuring the recoil energies of the K particle, and demonstrating tha tthey were consistent with recoil from one rather than tKo other <strong>particles</strong> . Theangular distribution of the decay products favoured a J of 3/ 2 + or 5/2 , but the

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