Familial Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 6

Familial Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 6

Familial Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 6

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114 J-C. LinTable 9.7. Summary of tissue biomarkers on the prognosis of nasopharyngeal carcinomaSeries No. of cases stage Treatment Assay TargetChua et al. (2004c) 54 III–IV NeoCh + RT IHC EGFRMa et al. (2003) 78 RT ± Ch IHC EGFRp53HER-2Ki67MVDRoychowdhury et al. (1996) 30 I–IV RT IHC EGFRKi67p53MVDc-erbB 2Rubio et al. (2000) 55 I–IV ? IHC MVDGenc et al. (2000) 35 I–IV ? IHC Ki67p53PCNAFujii et al. (2002) 53 I–IV NeoCh + RT IHC EGFRFang et al. (2007) 20 II–IV RT ± Ch IHC EGFRCOX-2Fang et al. (2009) 233 I–IV RT IHC Skp2Chan et al. (2007) 78 II–IV RT ± Ch IHC COX-2H1F-1aVEGFFujieda et al. (1999) 21 II–IV RT + Ch IHC IL-10Huang et al. (2000) 73 I–IV ? IHC VEGFMVDLee et al. (2005) 66 I–IV RT ± Ch IHC Ku70DNA-PKcsFoote et al. (2005) 123 ? RT ± misonidazole IHC MVDBar-Sela et al. (2006) 46 I–IV ? IHC HeparanaseKrishna et al. (2006) 103 ? ? IHC VEGFMasuda et al. (1998) 22 II–IV RT ± Ch IHC p53bcl-2Ki67Ho et al. (2001) 68 I–IV RT IHC p53Hwang et al. (2002) 66 I–IV RT IHC cyclin D1p16pRbMakitie et al. (2003) 84 I–IV RT ± Ch IHCIHCISHP16pRbEBERPorter et al. (1994) 51 ? ? IHC c-mycrasBar-Sela et al. (2005) 46 I–IV ? IHC c-kitLiao et al. (2007) 160 I–IV ? IHC CENP-HYip et al. (1998) 51 I–IV RT FC DNA ploidySPF, PFHsu et al. (2000) 70 ? ? FC DNA ploidySPFNeoCh neoadjuvant chemotherapy; RT radiotherapy; IHC immunohistochemical stain; EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor; DSS diseasespecificsurvival; RFS relapse-free survival; LRFFS locoregional failure-free survival; Ch chemotherapy; OS overall survival; DFS disease-freesurvival; TTP time to progression; MVD microvessel density; PCNA proliferating cell nuclear antigen; TATE tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia;COX-2 Cyclooxygenase-2; Skp2 S-phase kinase-associated protein 2; H1F-1a hypoxia inducible factor-1a; VEGF vascular endothelial growthfactor; IL-10 interleukin-10; ? not mentioned; DNA-PKcs DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit; ISH in situ hybridization; EBER EBVencodedsmall nuclear RNA; CENP-M centromere protein H; FC flow cytometry; SPF S-phase fraction; PF proliferation fraction

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