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Finance• Revenue up 96%to $281 million• Average gold price of$1,210 per ounce achievedduring the year• Cash operating costof $829 per ounce• Consolidated EBITDAof $52.4 million beforeSignificant Items• Capital expenditure of$149 million, principallyto complete the Gwaliamine and associatedinfrastructure• Cash at bank at 30 June2009 of $78 million;including restricted cashof $24 million• Total debt $98 million,including $77 millionconvertible notesThe result for the year ended 30 June2009 was a profit of $0.2 million(2008: $29.3 million loss), excludinga net loss of $76.6 million(2008: $12.0 million profit) fromSignificant Items. The improvementin the result before Significant Itemswas attributable to the higher goldprice and addition of gold productionfrom Leonora Operations, which werecommissioned in October 2008.RevenueTotal sales revenue of $281,129,000(2008: $143,129,000) was generatedmainly from gold sales of 231,318(2008: 157,278) ounces at an averageachieved gold price of A$1,210 (2008:A$907) per ounce. Other revenue of$5,411,000 (2008: $4,846,000) comprisedmainly interest earned during the year of$3,044,000 (2008: $5,053,000), of which$nil was capitalised (2008: $1,371,000).30 June 2009A$’00030 June 2008A$’000Sales revenue 281,129 143,129EBITDA – excluding Significant Items 52,445 382Net Profit (loss) after tax– excluding Significant Items 209 (29,291)Total net Significant Items (76,553) 11,958EBITDA (including Significant Items) 39,701 12,340Net Profit (loss) after tax (76,344) (17,333)Significant Items for the year comprise:$ millionRestructuring and redundancy provisions (5.8)Impairment of Southern Cross assets (40.5)Capitalised exploration written off (8.7)Open pit mine development written off (16.9)Gains on the close out of put options 1.5Write down of listed investments to fair value (6.2)Total (76.6)16

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