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NOTES TO THEFINANCIAL STATEMENTSFor the year ended 30 June 2009Note 29 Related party transactions(a) Directors and key management personnelDisclosures relating to Directors and key management personnel are set out in Note 37.(b) Transactions with entities in the wholly-owned groupSt Barbara Limited is the parent entity in the wholly-owned group comprising the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries.During the year the Company did not transact with any entities in the wholly-owned group (2008: $ Nil) . Net receivablesfrom subsidiaries amounted to $2,000 (2008: $2,000). The Company provided accounting and administrative assistance freeof charge to all of its wholly-owned subsidiaries.Loans payable to and advanced from wholly-owned subsidiaries to the Company are interest free, and payable on demand.(c) Amounts receivable from and payable to entities in the wholly-owned group and controlled entitiescompany2009 2008$’000 $’000Aggregate amounts receivable at balance date from:Entities in the wholly-owned group 852 852Less provision for doubtful receivables (850) (850)2 2Aggregate amounts payable at balance date to:Entities in the wholly-owned group 11,401 11,401(d) GuaranteesSubsidiary companies have guaranteed the parent entity’s obligations under the bank guarantee facility providedby Commonwealth Bank of Australia.(e) Terms and conditionsOutstanding balances are unsecured, interest free and are repayable in cash on demand.(f) Amounts receivable from Director related entitiesAt 30 June 2009, there were no amounts receivable from Director related entities (2008: $ Nil).(g) Other Transactions with Directors of the Company and their Director related entitiesDuring the year ended 30 June 2009, there were no other transaction with Directors of the Company and their Directorrelated entities.86

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