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OperationsLEONORA• Gwalia mine commissioned in October 2008 after almostthree years in development• Production forecast to grow to 190,000-210,000 oz perannum over the next three years• Reserves support at least a nine year life• Gwalia is forecast to be a first quartile cash cost producerfrom fiscal year 2012 onwards with cash operating costsof $445-500/oz• Focus in fiscal year 2010 is to develop Hoover Declineto access the deeper, wider and higher grade sectionsof the ore bodyLeonoraThe Leonora Operation is located 200 kilometresnorth of Kalgoorlie. Gwalia is a world-classorebody, with historical production and currentresources exceeding 7.7 million ounces of goldand is expected to be a long term source ofstrong cash flows after fiscal year 2010.After almost three years of hard work byemployees and contractors, gold productioncommenced in October 2008. Based on orereserves of 1.6 million ounces as at June 2009,Gwalia has an estimated mine life in excessof nine years.Development activities during the year included:• The Hoover Decline reached 1,180 metresbelow surface;• The first stopes were mined successfullyand paste filled;• The 1.2 million tonne capacity processingplant was comprehensively refurbished andcommissioned; and• Infrastructure projects to support the long lifemine including paste fill plant, refrigerationplant and gas fired power station, were allcommissioned successfully.The Gwalia underground mine produced62,272 ounces of gold for the nine monthsto 30 June 2009. Production grew steadily ashigher grade stopes were commissioned, andJune saw the highest monthly ore productionfor the year. The geotechnical conditions havecontinued to behave at the low end ofexpected ranges.6

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