Analytical Chem istry - DePauw University

Analytical Chem istry - DePauw University

Analytical Chem istry - DePauw University


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Chapter 10 Spectroscopic Methods601adjustments adjust the height within the flame from which absorbance ismonitored. This is important because two competing processes affect theconcentration of free atoms in the flame. The more time the analyte spendsin the flame the greater the atomization efficiency; thus, the production offree atoms increases with height. On the other hand, a longer residencetime allows more opportunity for the free atoms to combine with oxygento form a molecular oxide. For an easily oxidized metal, such as Cr, the concentrationof free atoms is greatest just above the burner head. For metals,such as Ag, which are difficult to oxidize, the concentration of free atomsincreases steadily with height (Figure 10.43). Other atoms show concentrationprofiles that maximize at a characteristic height.Flame. The flame’s temperature, which affects the efficiency of atomization,depends on the fuel–oxidant mixture, several examples of which are listedin Table 10.9. Of these, the air–acetylene and the nitrous oxide–acetyleneflames are the most popular. Normally the fuel and oxidant are mixed inan approximately stoichiometric ratio; however, a fuel-rich mixture may benecessary for easily oxidized analytes.Figure 10.44 shows a cross-section through the flame, looking downthe source radiation’s optical path. The primary combustion zone is usuallyrich in gas combustion products that emit radiation, limiting is usefulnessfor atomic absorption. The interzonal region generally is rich in free atomsand provides the best location for measuring atomic absorption. The hottestpart of the flame is typically 2–3 cm above the primary combustion zone.As atoms approach the flame’s secondary combustion zone, the decrease intemperature allows for formation of stable molecular species.Sample Introduction. The most common means for introducing samplesinto a flame atomizer is a continuous aspiration in which the sample flowsthrough the burner while we monitor the absorbance. Continuous aspirationis sample intensive, typically requiring from 2–5 mL of sample.Flame microsampling allows us to introduce a discrete sample of fixedvolume, and is useful when we have a limited amount of sample or whenthe sample’s matrix is incompatible with the flame atomizer. For example,continuously aspirating a sample that has a high concentration of dissolvedsolids—sea water, for example, comes to mind—may build-up a solid depositon the burner head that obstructs the flame and that lowers the absorbance.Flame microsampling is accomplished using a micropipet to placeTable 10.9 Fuels and Oxidants Used for Flame Combustionfuel oxidant temperature range ( o C)natural gas air 1700–1900hydrogen air 2000–2100acetylene air 2100–2400acetylene nitrous oxide 2600–2800acetylene oxygen 3050–3150absorbanceFigure 10.43 Absorbance versus heightprofiles for Ag and Cr in flame atomicabsorption spectroscopy.secondarycombustion zonetypicaloptical pathheight above burner headburner headAgFigure 10.44 Profile of typical flameusing a slot burner. The relative size ofeach zone depends on many factors,including the choice of fuel and oxidant,and their relative proportions.Crinterzonalregionprimarycombustion zone

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