Motor Control Lighting Development Tools Motor ... - ICC Media GmbH

Motor Control Lighting Development Tools Motor ... - ICC Media GmbH

Motor Control Lighting Development Tools Motor ... - ICC Media GmbH


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TOOLS & SOFTWAREcan be fully managed as revisions, and incorporatelinks to real-time supplier data thatprovides up-to-date pricing and availabilityinformation. It means that released designpackages, and components, exist in a lockedand traceable form within the vault, wherethey can be managed and reused with accurateand up-to-date knowledge of their origin, historyand lifecycle state – in effect, their validityfor new designs.Figure 1. Formally storing a circuit diagram in a fully managed Vault allows its reuse in otherdesign projects that call for the same functionality. This applies to models of individual componentsjust as well as entire electronic devices.does not contain errors or undocumentedmodifications, or for that matter, if the componentsare still suitable, available and cost-effective.The risks of reusing design sections inthis way are cumulative and untenable, so providingthe design system features and functionsneeded to reuse design content is of little valuewhen the integrity of that content is in doubt.What’s needed is a practical and effective wayto securely store, share and manage locked revisionsof reusable design content, then managethe lifecycle of that content to define its suitabilityfor new designs. It involves separatingreleased design data from the fluidity of thedesign environment into its own fully managed,but accessible, repository. Taking this approach,design content can be released from the designspace itself into a secure storage vault as aunique, traceable revision, which can containany number of child elements (components,sub-circuits, etc). The child content will alsoexist in the vault as its own set of managed revisions,so the integrity of the parent contentis maintained down to the lowest level.A design section is released into the vault as areusable schematic sheet (or tree of sheets)and stored as a fixed revision, where its lifecyclestatus (prototype or production, for example)can be defined over time. If the design sourcedocuments are updated, a new sequentiallynamedrevision can be released to the vaultand its status set accordingly. A sheet of designcircuitry can be formally released into thevault, and then be reused in other design projectsrequiring that same functionality. In thesame way, components released to the vaultFurthermore, once all released items exist inthe vault, including full designs released forprototyping or production, the inter-relationshipsare easy to monitor and track. You canthen have an immediate view of what modelrevisions are used in a component, what componentrevisions are used in a sheet, what designsheet revision is used in a released design,and so on. When you choose a reusable vaultitem for a new design, you’ll have a full understandingof where it’s been used, as well as itsorigins and current lifecycle status.Based on server technology, the managed vaultsystem exists separately from the own projectdata storage of the design system, but can beaccessed easily through the design environmentitself or from the broader organization. Thisprovides secure, permission-based access toothers in the organization such as procurement,manufacturing and administration. Componentchoices, for example, can then become acooperative process with purchasing, and vaultbaseddesign resource data can be easily accessedby company data management systems.From a design reuse view it means that allreusable items have a high degree of data integrity.You can be sure that an item is thelatest revision, you know it has not changedsince it was released into the vault, and you25 April 2013

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