Annual Report 2010 - CMVM

Annual Report 2010 - CMVM

Annual Report 2010 - CMVM


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Corporate Governance <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>drafts of the letter and voting ballot, as well as instructions for their respective completion, on its website and at its head office.I.11. Requirement of a period of time between the receipt of votes cast by correspondence and the date of the GeneralMeeting.The Articles of Association establish that shareholders with the right to vote who intend to exercise it by correspondence, should send a letteraddressed to the Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting and that it should be received at the head office within the period of timestipulated in the call notice. The established period of time between the receipt of votes cast by correspondence and the date of all the GeneralMeetings of 2011 was one day.I.12. Exercise of the right to vote through electronic means.TD,SA believes that the specific security requirements inherent to the voting process are very significant, namely with respect, on the one hand,to the technical means necessary to verify the authenticity of the corresponding voting statements, as well as to guarantee the integrity andconfidentiality of the respective contents, and, likewise, recognises the high level of security and operational reliability required in the receiptof these statements.Due to the considerations referred to above and the fact that the General Meetings of the leading listed company of the TEIXEIRA DUARTEGroup traditionally has a very high representation of share capital, the Company has not implemented the possibility of the exercise of votingrights through electronic means.I.13. Possibility of the shareholders accessing excerpts of the minutes of the General Meetings on the company's websiteduring the five days after the General Meeting.The minutes relative to the General Meetings held during <strong>2010</strong> were provided on the Company's website, in accordance with the applicablerecommendations and regulatory provisions, although it was not possible to make them available during the subsequent five days due to thelack of availability of the teams and persons involved in the execution of this task in such a short period of time, namely because, in view ofthe results of the voting, it was not considered a priority to do so.Furthermore, on the actual day of the General Meetings, or on the day immediately subsequent, various informative elements were disclosedon those meetings, including not only the deliberations taken, but also the share capital represented and results of the voting.I.14. Existence of an historical record on the company's website, with the deliberations taken in the company's GeneralMeetings, the share capital represented and results of the voting, relative to the previous 3 years.74

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