RFP for appointment of technical consultant - Rsrdc.com

RFP for appointment of technical consultant - Rsrdc.com

RFP for appointment of technical consultant - Rsrdc.com


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2. The Consultants shall collect in<strong>for</strong>mation on high flood level (HFL), low waterlevels (LWL), discharge velocity etc. from available past records, local inquiriesand visible signs, if any, on the structural <strong>com</strong>ponents and embankments. Localinquiries shall also be made with regard to the road sections getting overtoppedduring heavy rains. Condition Surveys <strong>for</strong> Bridges, Culverts and StructuresThe activities and deliverables <strong>for</strong>ming part <strong>of</strong> bridge, Culverts and Structurescondition survey are specified below:1. The Consultant shall carry out a detailed inspection <strong>of</strong> every bridge and otherstructures such as railway over/under bridges, overpasses, underpasses and gradeseparators including flyovers. (For guidance, see IRC:SP:35 and IRC: SP:52).2. For each structure, the Consultant shall indicate the distresses observed, if any, inrespect <strong>of</strong> various <strong>com</strong>ponents <strong>of</strong> the structures e.g. bearings, expansion joints,wearing coat, railings/crash-barriers, foundations, substructures (abutments, piers,pier caps), superstructure. On the basis <strong>of</strong> the distresses observed, the Consultantshall divide the structures into the following categories:(i) structures requiring reconstruction immediately as part <strong>of</strong> first stage development(all such structures shall be provided as new structures);(ii) structures where distresses are not so severe and reconstruction can be postponedto a subsequent stage say <strong>for</strong> a period <strong>of</strong> 7 to 8 years; if any major repairs arerequired in the meantime, these shall be so indicated <strong>for</strong> each such location;(iii) structures requiring repairs and/or rehabilitation (<strong>for</strong> such structures indicatepreliminary proposals <strong>for</strong> repairs and/or rehabilitation);(iv) structures requiring widening (<strong>for</strong> such structures indicate wideningmethodology);(v) structures that shall be retained. Geo-<strong>technical</strong> Investigations and Sub-Soil Exploration1. The Consultants shall carry out geo-<strong>technical</strong> investigations and sub-surfaceexplorations <strong>for</strong> the proposed Bridges / Road overbridges/tunnels/viaducts/interchanges etc., along high embankments and any otherlocation as necessary <strong>for</strong> proper design <strong>of</strong> the works and conduct all relevantlaboratory and field tests on soil and rock samples. The minimum scope <strong>of</strong> geo<strong>technical</strong>investigations <strong>for</strong> bridge and structures shall be as under:S.N. Description Location <strong>of</strong> Boring1 Over all length = 6 – 30 m One abutment location2 Over all length = 30 – 60mOne abutment location and at least oneintermediate location between abutments <strong>for</strong>structures having more than one span.3 Over all length >60 m Each abutment and each pier locations.2. The deviation(s), if any, by the Consultants from the scheme presented aboveshould be got approved by RSRDC.3. However, where a study <strong>of</strong> geo-<strong>technical</strong> reports and in<strong>for</strong>mation available fromadjacent crossings over the same waterway (existing highway and railwaybridges) indicates that subsurface variability is such that boring at the suggestedspacing will be insufficient to adequately define the conditions <strong>for</strong> design47

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