RESTORATION PLAN Glade Creek Stream Restoration Alleghany ...

RESTORATION PLAN Glade Creek Stream Restoration Alleghany ...

RESTORATION PLAN Glade Creek Stream Restoration Alleghany ...


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N.C. Natural Heritage Program List of Rare, Threatened and Endangered SpeciesMajorGroupInvertebrateAnimalScientific Name Common Name State Status FederalStatusPyrgus wyandotAppalachianCheckered-SkipperSRFSCNaturalCommunitySouthern Appalachian Bog (northernsubtype)None None NoneNonvascularPlantNonvascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantVascularPlantMacrocoma sullivatiiSullivant’s ManedmossSR-D NoneOrthotrichum keeverae Keever’s Bristle-moss E NoneCalamagrostis canadensis Canada Reed Grass SR-P NoneCarex leptonervia A Wood Sedge SR-P NoneCarex woodii Wood’s Sedge SR-P NoneChelone cuthbertii Cuthbert’s Turtlehead SR-L FSCCoptis trifolia ssp. groenlandica Goldthread SR-P NoneCrocanthemum propinquum Creeping Sunrose SR-P NoneDalibarda repens Robin Runaway E NoneGeum laciniatum var. trichocarpum Rough Avens SR-P NoneGlyceria laxa Lax Mannagrass SR-P NoneHackelia virginiana Virginia Stickseed SR-P NoneHexalectris spicata Crested Coralroot SR-P NoneLillium grayi Gray’s Lily T-SC FSCPlatenthera grandifloraLarge Purple-fringedOrchidSR-PNoneRhynchospora albaNorthern White SR-P NoneBeaksedgeRobinia hispida var. fertilis Fruitcul Locust SR-O NoneSpirathes lucida Shining Ladies-tresses SR-O NoneStenanthium roubustum Bog Featherbells SR-P NoneVaccinium macrocarpon Cranberry SR-P None11

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