Integrated Passenger Transport Policy - Worcestershire County ...

Integrated Passenger Transport Policy - Worcestershire County ...

Integrated Passenger Transport Policy - Worcestershire County ...

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4.1.1 Central to the <strong>Worcestershire</strong> ITP <strong>Policy</strong> is the delivery of an integrated network that is fit forpurpose in terms of achieving high levels of accessibility, providing real transport choice (particularlyin congested urban areas and along key inter-urban corridors) and offering value for money for usersand funders. To achieve this requires recognition of the strengths, weaknesses and role of eachpassenger transport mode and the subsequent targeting of scarce public and private sectorresources toward the achievement of a network which offers the best business case and a high valuefor money.4.1.2 The approach must be modally agnostic, that is to say, in each case; the network has to use the mostefficient mode of transport according to existing and projected demand, balanced with availablecapital and revenue funding. Table 4.1 identifies the model which considers passenger transportmodal provision, taking account of demand, performance and costs (capital and revenue).Table 4.1 – <strong>Worcestershire</strong> Approach to Modal ProvisionName Description RoleAverageSpeedLevel of TravelDemand to JustifyInvestment(<strong>Passenger</strong>s/Hour/Direction)InfrastructureCostsOperatingCostsHEAVY RAILFully segregated, highcapacity passengerrailwayMajor Inter-City and InterurbanCorridorsHigh (40+mph) Very High Very High (for new build) Very HighTRAM TRAINFully segregated,medium capacitypassenger railwayMajor Urban and Inter-Urban CorridorsMedium to High(20-40+mph)HighHigh (unless built-uponcommitted investmentswhich deliver theinfrastructure needed forTram Train)Medium to HighLIGHTRAIL/TRAMWAYMostly segregated,medium capacitypassenger railwayMajor Corridors in LargeCitiesMedium (20-40mph)HighHigh (very high for newsegregated sections)Medium to HighBUSWAY / BUS RAPIDTRANSITHigh quality andcapacity bus systemsupported byfacilitativeMajor Corridors in Townsand CitiesMedium (20-40mph)Medium - HighMedium - High(Dependent upon extentof segregated busway)Medium to HighBUSConventional busserviceUrban and Interurbantransport corridorsLow to Medium(10-30mph)Medium Low to medium Low to MediumDEMAND RESPONSIVETRANSITTAXISimilar to conventionaltaxi service, althoughspecialist vehicles oftenprovided.Conventional taxiserviceUrban/Rural Areas &times of day not servedby conventionalpassenger transportservices.Urban/Rural Areas &times of day not servedby conventionalpassenger transportservices.Low to Medium(10-30mph)Low to Medium(10-30mph)Low Low Low to MediumLow Low Low to medium

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