Integrated Passenger Transport Policy - Worcestershire County ...

Integrated Passenger Transport Policy - Worcestershire County ...

Integrated Passenger Transport Policy - Worcestershire County ...

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A better environment for today and tomorrow;Economic success that is shared by all;Improving health and well being;Meeting the needs of children and young people; andStronger Communities (including housing, culture, poverty and volunteering).1.3.2 Table 1.1, below, identifies how the <strong>Worcestershire</strong> IPT <strong>Policy</strong> will contribute towards achieving thewider socio-economic objectives of the LTP3 and <strong>Worcestershire</strong> Sustainable Community Strategy.Table 1.1 – <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Passenger</strong> <strong>Transport</strong> <strong>Policy</strong> and How It Will Deliver Against <strong>Worcestershire</strong>Local <strong>Transport</strong> Plan 3 and Sustainable Community Strategy ObjectivesTo support <strong>Worcestershire</strong>'seconomic competitivenessand growth through deliveringa reliable and efficienttransport networkEconomic successthat is shared by allStrongerCommunitiesIPT measures will support theeconomy through:Increased accessibility to jobopportunitiesA reduction in traffic congestionby encouraging modal switching,particularly in urban areas andalong key inter-urban corridorsReducing journey times andincreased journey time reliabilityacross all modes of transportImprovements in safety andreductions in pollution.Increasing the economic viabilityand vitality of rural and urbanareas alike, making these areasmore attractive for future inwardinvestProvision of an efficient, reliable,affordable and accessiblepassenger transport network,critical to increasing transportchoice

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