CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

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Social Security NumberStudents’ social security numbers (SSN)are confidential and, under the FamilyEducational Rights and Privacy Act(FERPA -a federal law), the college willprotect them from unauthorized use and/or disclosure. In compliance with state/federal requirements, a student’s SSN willnot be authorized for identificationpurposes except for state and federalfinancial aid, American Opportunity/Lifetime Learning tax credits, academictranscripts, assessment, accountabilityresearch, or as otherwise stated by law.<strong>Cascadia</strong> assigns each student analternative identification number uponapplication to the school and/or classregistration.Students must complete a non-disclosureform if they choose not to provide a socialsecurity number. The Internal RevenueService could possibly impose a $50 finefor non-disclosure.Solomon AmendmentUnder Public Law 104-208 <strong>Cascadia</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> is directed by thefederal government to provide the names,addresses, telephone numbers, date ofbirth, level of education, major and/ordegrees received, and prior militaryexperience for all our students. Studentswho do not wish this information to bereleased should submit a written requestto the Kodiak Corner main counter.Family Educational Rightsand Privacy Act (FERPA)<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> complieswith the Family Educational Rights andPrivacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 concerningthe information that becomes a part of astudent’s permanent educational recordand governing the condition of itsdisclosure. Under FERPA, students areprotected against improper disclosure oftheir records. This federal law affordsstudents certain rights with respect to theireducational records. They are as follows:1. The right to inspect and review thestudent’s educational record within 45days of the day the college receives arequest for access.2. The right to request the amendment ofthe student’s educational records thatthe student believes is inaccurate ormisleading.3. The right to consent disclosure ofpersonally identifiable informationcontained in the student’s educationalrecords, except to the extent that FERPAauthorizes disclosure with consent.4. The right to file a complaint with theU.S. Department of Educationconcerning failures by <strong>Cascadia</strong> tocomply with the requirements ofFERPA.At the post secondary level, rights underFERPA are afforded the student and notthe parent of the student. A studentattending <strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>who is under 18 would have the FERPArights just as someone over the age of 18.FERPA rights apply to former students aswell.Release of StudentInformationTo protect student privacy, photoidentification is required to view, receivecopies of educational records, changestudent information, or enroll, drop, orwithdraw from classes.Name ChangesTo change the name shown on <strong>Cascadia</strong>records, students must complete a StudentInformation Update form and submitphoto identification with the new legalname and acceptable proof of namechange to the Kodiak Corner maincounter. Acceptable proof would be amarriage certificate or court order.Address ChangesStudents are responsible for informing thecollege of their current address. If youraddress changes, you may update theaddress change through Student OnlineServices. Address changes can also beupdated by submitting a StudentInformation Update form with photoidentification to the Kodiak Corner maincounter.Holds on RecordsStudents who have been placed onacademic suspension or who haveoutstanding debts owed to the college(such as traffic and parking fines, libraryfines, or instructional materials due) willnot be allowed to register or make classschedule changes until these have beencleared. Likewise, transcripts, certificates,or diplomas will not be released untildebts are cleared. The release of a Hold onRecord may take up to two business daysto process.Official Transcript andTranscript RequestsAn official transcript is a copy of astudent’s academic record; it showscourses taken, credits earned, gradesreceived, transfer credits accepted, anddegrees or certificates earned at <strong>Cascadia</strong>.An official transcript carries the college’sseal.An “official” transcript for students whohave attended other colleges must:1. Be mailed by the former collegedirectly to <strong>Cascadia</strong>’s Kodiak Cornermain counterOr2. Be delivered by the student, (unopenedin an envelope which has been officiallysealed by the former institution) to theKodiak Corner main counter.Leave of AbsenceA student who is seeking a degree at<strong>Cascadia</strong> and absent from the college forless than one calendar year may retainthe right to register in the same order ofpriority as a continuing student. However,this right does not guarantee re-entry intoany specific course or instructionalprogram.To re-enroll, students must:1. Update biographical information suchas an address change through<strong>Cascadia</strong>’s website or submit acompleted Student Information Updateform available online and in KodiakCorner to the main counter with photoidentification.2. Notify the Kodiak Corner maincounter of return as a Degree-Seeking(matriculated) Student.3. A registration appointment will thenbe assigned for the quarter.A student who is seeking a degree at<strong>Cascadia</strong> and absent from the college formore than one calendar year may retainthe right to register in the same priorityas a continuing student. However, thisright does not guarantee re-entry intoany specific course or instructionalprogram.To re-enroll, students must:1. Complete steps 1 and 2 as listed above.2. Meet with an academic advisor asreturning Matriculated Student (degreeseeking at <strong>Cascadia</strong>) for updates onprogram changes and educational plan.3. A registration appointment will thenbe assigned for the quarter.Student Rights AND Responsibilities<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Catalog <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> 109

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