CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

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DESIGNATION KEYDistribution areas: CKR = Cultural Knowledge, E = Elective, GS = Global Studies, H=Humanities, HP = Humanities Performance, NS = Natural Science, Q=Quantitative Reasoning, RE=Restricted Elective , SS = Social ScienceMATH 1475 creditsBusiness Precalculus(Formerly Finite Math) This 5-credit, collegelevelmath course is for students intending topursue coursework in business, the social or lifesciences, or management. The course buildson the base of MATH 095 and assumes thatthe student plans on taking MATH& 148. Relationsand functions are investigated in graphic,numeric, symbolic, and verbal forms. Modelingtechniques are introduced while exploringexponential, logarithmic, polynomial, and powerfunctions. Topics introduced include matrices,linear programming, population growth, andmath of finance. Special topics may includesystems of non-linear equations, probability andcounting, statistics, graph theory, and rationaland logistic functions. Applications are investigatedprimarily from a life and social science,business, and management perspective. Technologyis integrated throughout the course.Students communicate results in oral andwritten form. A graphing calculator is required.See syllabus for specific calculator recommendations.Prerequisite(s): Completion of MATH 095with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placement bytesting into MATH 147; and completion of ENGL090 with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placementby testing in ENGL 100.MATH& 1485 creditsBusiness CalculusNS, Q- This 5-credit course provides an interdisciplinaryintroduction to the core concepts ofcalculus with a primary focus on applicationsfrom disciplines of economics and the socialsciences. The content is applications in differential,integral, and multivariable calculus with anintroduction to The Fundamental Theorem ofCalculus. Learners will continue to refine theirindependent study skills, cooperative problemsolving, logically correct and mathematicallyprecise writing and thinking, and their ability touse geometric, symbolic, and analytic formatsin presenting solutions to both abstract and realworld applications. Technology is integratedthroughout the course and a graphing calculatoris required. Prerequisite(s): Completionof MATH 147 with a grade of 2.0 or higher orplacement by testing into MATH& 148; andcompletion of ENGL 090 with a grade of 2.0 orhigher or placement by testing into ENGL 100.MATH& 1515 creditsCalculus INS, Q- This 5-credit course is the first quarterof the three-quarter calculus sequence thatprovides an interdisciplinary introductionto the core concepts of differential calculuswith a primary focus on applications from thedisciplines of math, computer science, andthe physical sciences. Content includes bothapplications and theory of differential calculusleading to an introduction of The FundamentalTheorem of Calculus. Learners will continue torefine independent study skills, cooperativeproblem solving, logically correct and mathematicallyprecise writing and thinking, and theirability to use geometric, symbolic, and analyticformats in presenting solutions to both abstractand real world applications. Classroom activitieswill include lecture/discussion and group work.Students will communicate their results in oraland written form. Graphing calculator required.Prerequisite(s): Completion of MATH& 142with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placement bytesting into MATH& 151; and completion ofENGL 090 with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placementby testing into ENGL 100.MATH& 1525 creditsCalculus IINS, Q- This 5-credit course is the second quarterof the three-quarter calculus sequence. Primarycontent is integral calculus including applicationsof The Fundamental Theorem of Calculusand separable differential equations. Learnerswill continue to refine independent studyskills, cooperative problem solving, logicallycorrect and mathematically precise writing andthinking, and their ability to use geometric,symbolic, and analytic formats in presentingsolutions to both abstract and real world applications.Prerequisite(s): Completion of MATH&151 with a grade of 2.0 or higher; and completionof ENGL 090 with a grade of 2.0 or higher orplacement by testing into ENGL 100.MATH& 1635 creditsCalculus 3NS, Q- This 5-credit course is the third quarter ofthe three-quarter calculus sequence. Contentincludes infinite sequences and series, differentiationand integration in polar coordinates,introduction to parametric equations, andvectors in two and three dimensions. Multipleintegrals and partial derivatives with applicationsthat include optimization, volume, andthe gradient are central to this course. Learnerswill continue to refine independent studyskills, cooperative problem solving, logicallycorrect and mathematically precise writing andthinking, and their ability to use geometric,symbolic, and analytic formats in presentingsolutions to both abstract and real world applications.Prerequisite(s): Completion of MATH&152 with a grade of 2.0 or higher; and completionof ENGL 090 with a grade of 2.0 or higher orplacement by testing into ENGL 100.MATH& 1715 creditsMath for Elementary Education INS, Q- This 5-credit course is one quarter ofthe 3-quarter mathematics for elementaryeducation sequence. Prospective or practicingelementary school teachers will investigateproblem solving techniques and number theoryrelated to topics taught at the K-8 level. Topicswill include problem solving, set theory, numbertheory, measurement, and the use of technology(formerly MATH 121). Prerequisite(s):Completion of MATH 095 with a grade of 2.0 orhigher or placement by testing in MATH 171;and completion of ENGL 100 with a grade of 2.0or higher or placement by testing in ENGL& 101.MATH& 1725 creditsMath for Elementary Education IINS, Q- This 5-credit course is one quarter ofthe 3-quarter mathematics for elementaryeducation sequence. Prospective or practicingelementary school teachers will investigateproblem-solving techniques and geometryrelated to topics taught at the K-8 level. Topicswill include problem solving, geometry and itsapplications, measurement, and the use of technology(formerly MATH 122). Prerequisite(s):Completion of MATH& 171 with a grade of 2.0or higher; and completion of ENGL 090 with agrade of 2.0 or higher or placement by testingin ENGL 100.MATH& 1735 creditsMath for Elementary Education IIINS, Q- This 5-credit course is one quarter ofthe 3-quarter mathematics for elementaryeducation sequence. Prospective or practicingelementary school teachers will investigateproblem solving techniques, probability, andstatistics related to topics taught at the K-8 level.Topics will include problem solving, the realnumber system and its subsystems, basic probability,basic statistics, and the use of technology(formerly MATH 123). Prerequisite(s): Completionof MATH& 172 with a grade of 2.0 or higher;and completion of ENGL 090 with a grade of 2.0or higher or placement by testing in ENGL 100.MATH 1961-5 creditsMathematics IndividualizedProject IStudents will research and produce or perform aproject in a mathematical or an interdisciplinarytopic emphasizing mathematics applications.The content, learning outcomes, and assessmentmethods of the project are developedby the supervising instructor and student(s).Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.Course Descriptions<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Catalog <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> 99

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