CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

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DESIGNATION KEYDistribution areas: CKR = Cultural Knowledge, E = Elective, GS = Global Studies, H=Humanities, HP = Humanities Performance, NS = Natural Science, Q=Quantitative Reasoning, RE=Restricted Elective , SS = Social ScienceCourse DescriptionsETSP 2103 creditsSolar PV System MaintenanceRE- This course provides instruction in basic solarPV system maintenance and troubleshooting,including visual, electrical, and mechanicalinspections, maintenance procedures forthe different components and subsystems,troubleshooting and performance tuning, andreporting and documentation of findings andrecommendations. Instruction includes materialsand methods in compliance with nationalenergy codes. Prerequisite(s): Completion ofETSP 208 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.ETSP 2901 creditCapstone SeminarRE- The capstone seminar combines work-basedlearning, service learning, or independent studywith a weekly scheduled seminar to explorethe content of the working experience withpeers who are engaged in similar projects.The student(s) will be involved in definingtheir project scope(s) and will be required totravel off-campus to the work or service site.Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 20credits of ETSP coursework with grade of 2.5 orhigher; or instructor permission.ETSP 2961-5 creditsETSP Individualized Project IIRE- Students will research and produce orperform a project in Environmental Technologiesor Sustainable Practices or aninterdisciplinary topic emphasizing EnvironmentalTechnologies or Sustainable Practices.The content, learning outcomes, and assessmentmethods of the project are developedby the supervising instructor and student(s).Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.ETSP 2971-5 creditsETSP Work-Based Learning IIRE- The student will identify an opportunity foran internship or volunteer prospect that matchesboth the outcomes of the student’s programand their interests. Together with an instructor,the student will complete a written contractthat specifies the learning outcomes as wellas defines the duration of the course and thecredits to be granted upon successful completion.Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.ETSP 2981-5 creditsSpecial Topics in ETSP IIRE- The course permits an individual studentor a class of students to investigate current andrelevant topics in Environmental Technologyand Sustainable Practices. The content, format,and delivery vary depending upon the topicsand the quarter. Prerequisite(s): Instructorpermission.ETSP 2991-5 creditsService Learning in ETSP IIRE- Service learning provides a mechanism tocombine academic studies with communityservice. In concert with a faculty advisor andcommunity agency representative, studentsdevelop and apply technology and or scientificskills and expertise in a community setting.The student(s) will be involved in defining theproject scope and will be required to traveloff-campus to the service site. Prerequisite(s):Instructor permission.FRENCHFRCH& 1215 creditsFrench IH- In this fast-paced course, students beginto communicate in French in simple situations.They are able to describe the immediateenvironment and to repeat learned dialoguesby learning elementary grammar, vocabulary,and pronunciation. Students begin to learnabout the culture, music, art, and literature ofthe French-speaking world. Prerequisite(s):Completion of ENGL 090 with a grade of 2.0 orhigher or placement by testing into ENGL 100.FRCH& 1225 creditsFrench IIH- In this fast-paced course, continuing the workof FRCH& 121, students increase knowledge ofFrench vocabulary and grammar to improvetheir communication abilities. They learn toparticipate in conversations in a variety ofsocial settings and learn more about social andhistorical aspects of French-speaking cultures.Prerequisite(s): Completion of FRCH& 121 witha grade of 2.0 or higher or instructor permission.FRCH& 1235 creditsFrench IIIH- This course continues the work of FRCH&122. In it, students improve their abilityto speak and write in French by adding tovocabulary and grammar knowledge. Studentslearn more about French-speaking cultures.Prerequisite(s): Completion of FRCH& 122 agrade of 2.0 or higher or instructor permission.FRCH& 2215 creditsFrench IVH- Students are engaged in a variety of activitiesthat use different media and learning techniquesaimed at building proficiency in all fourlanguage skills – reading, writing, listening,and speaking. Students work individually andwith partners in class to discuss and presentideas about literary texts, music, film, or culturalhistory. Students also continue to learn aboutFrench-speaking cultures throughout the world.Prerequisite(s): Completion of FRCH& 123with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placement intoFRCH& 221.FRCH& 2225 creditsFrench VH- FRCH& 222 continues to engage students ina variety of activities in different media to buildproficiency in all four language skills – reading,writing, listening, and speaking. Individualassignments and in-class group work helpstudents communicate more personal andcomplex ideas in written and spoken French.Students also continue to deepen their knowledgeof French-speaking cultures worldwide.Prerequisite(s): Completion of FRCH& 221with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placement intoFRCH& 222.FRCH& 2235 creditsFrench VIH- FRCH& 223 continues to build proficiency inall four language skills using a variety of media.Individual assignments and in-class group workhelp students understand authentic French andto communicate using moderately complexwritten and spoken grammar and vocabulary.Students also continue to deepen their knowledgeof French-speaking cultures worldwide.Prerequisite(s): Completion of FRCH& 222 witha grade of 2.0 or higher or placement by intoFRCH& 223.GEOGRAPHYGEOG 1205 creditsRegional Environments andPeoplesGS, NS- This course introduces the basic physicaland environmental processes responsible forshaping the earth’s surface as well as geographictools used for analysis. Specific regions of theworld are then studied in order to establish relationshipsbetween the people that live in thoseregions and the natural world that surroundsthem. Prerequisite(s): Completion of ENGL 100with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placement bytesting into ENGL& 101.GEOLOGYGEOL& 1015 creditsIntroduction to Physical GeologyNS- Students will study the structure of the solidearth and the physical processes which producechange. The class will stress environmentalconcerns as they relate to geology. Recentdiscoveries and observational techniques willbe discussed, and students will apply geologicconcepts in laboratory activities and simulationsand take part in field investigations.Prerequisite(s): Completion of Math 075 with agrade of 2.0 or higher. (LAB)92 Catalog <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> <strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>

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