CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

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DESIGNATION KEYDistribution areas: CKR = Cultural Knowledge, E = Elective, GS = Global Studies, H=Humanities, HP = Humanities Performance, NS = Natural Science, Q=Quantitative Reasoning, RE=Restricted Elective , SS = Social ScienceCourse DescriptionsCMST& 2105 creditsInterpersonal CommunicationH- In this course, students explore, analyze, andapply practical communication techniques andskills for developing and maintaining healthyfamily, friend, romantic, work, and leadershiprelationships. Students will examine and applyinterpersonal communication theoretical modelsand skills emphasizing personal identity andcommunication behaviors in diverse environments,relationship development, and conflictmanagement competency. Prerequisite(s):Completion of ENGL 100 with a grade of 2.0 orplacement by testing in ENGL& 101.CMST 2<strong>11</strong>5 creditsJournalism/Media WritingH- Explore the world of media studies. Themedia writing course introduces students tojournalism through the various stages of newswriting in different forms of media. Studentswill be involved in a workshop style coursethat focuses on gathering information, interviewing,and writing for a variety of audiences.Participants should expect to be actively writingand researching stories in and out of class. Thecourse also includes discussions and examinationsof media topics and issues of ethics as theyhappen by viewing television news, readinglocal and national newspapers, and viewingonline news sources. Students will work withcurrent news events and operate in a hands-onenvironment to gather and write their ownnews stories. Attention to revising, editing, andproofreading is also included with a focus onAssociated Press standards. Prerequisite(s):Completion of ENGL 100 with a grade of 2.0 orhigher or placement by testing in ENGL& 101.CMST& 2205 creditsPublic SpeakingGS, H- In this course, students learn to analyzeaudience and purpose in order to choose topics,organize, develop, and deliver various styles ofpublic and presentational speeches on local andglobal issues. Students will prepare and practicespeeches that are recorded for evaluation andimprovement throughout the course. Studentswill also gain critical listening skills and persuasiveabilities. Prerequisite(s): Completion ofENGL100 with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placementby testing in ENGL& 101.CMST& 2305 creditsSmall Group Communication-Leadership DynamicsH- This course helps students improve their abilityto communicate in a wide variety of group situationsat home, work, and school. Students will beable to analyze their own and others’ communicationeffectiveness and to apply problem-solvingand conflict resolution techniques. Students willwork in simulated committees, project groups,research teams, fishbowls, and other groupsettings to practice and evaluate their skills incommunication. Prerequisite(s): Completion ofENGL 100 with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placementby testing in ENGL& 101.CMST 2335 creditsMedia in a Global ContextCKR, GS, H- In this course, students becomebetter consumers of information through anunderstanding of specific global media systemsand their affects on both private and public life.Students will be able to critically analyze thenews and information flowing through specificmedia technologies and services through particularglobal perspectives. Moreover, students willcompare and contrast U.S. media systems withthose media systems from other cultures/countriesby examining legal, ethical, economic, andcommercial dimensions of mass communication.Prerequisite(s): Completion of ENGL 100with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placement bytesting in ENGL& 101.CMST 2505 creditsMedia Law and EthicsH- The internet raises difficult ethical and legalquestions about privacy, freedom of speech,access to information, rights and responsibilitiesof users, and so on. In this course, studentswill learn to examine and analyze complexlegal and ethical situations on the internetand in other mass media in order to be betterconsumers of media information. To do so, theywill study models for ethical decision-makingand the history and process of media law.Prerequisite(s): Completion of ENGL 100 witha grade of 2.0 or higher or placement by testingin ENGL& 101.CMST 2515 creditsIntercultural CommunicationCKR, GS, H- Students identify the effects ofculture on communication in the globalcontext, by investigating underlying values,rules, and worldviews of different internationalcultures. They explore culture-specific verbaland nonverbal communication patterns, andconflict negotiation strategies. Students learnkey issues of cultural influence on communicationinteraction in specific settings within theglobal context, such as business and education,and will practice and create communicationstrategies for intercultural communicationcompetence. Prerequisite(s): Completion ofENGL100 with grade of 2.0 or higher or placementby testing in ENGL& 101.CONTINUINGDEVELOPMENTCDEV 1012 creditsDependable StrengthsThe Dependable Strengths Articulation Processteaches students to learn from successes anddiscover Good Experiences through which eachperson recognizes his or her strengths. It helpsstudents increase self-esteem, motivation toachieve, and ability to articulate strengths topotential employers.CDEV 1022 creditsEmployment SkillsEmployment Skills will review and give studentsthe opportunity to practice the skills necessaryto find and retain a job. These skills include workethics, communication, interpersonal skills,time management, independence, and criticalthinking.CDEV 1032 creditsJob Search SkillsJob Search Skills will help students marketthemselves to potential employers throughanalyzing skills and abilities, identifying andusing labor market resources, networking,creating resumes and cover letters, and practicinginterview techniques. Beginning skills inMicrosoft Word and the internet recommended.DRAMADRMA& 1015 creditsIntroduction to TheatreH- An introduction to the examination andexperience of theater art form through performanceand design elements such as playanalysis, acting, directing, critique, stage andlighting design, etc. Prerequisite(s): NoneDRMA 1515 creditsIntroduction to ActingHP- This course focuses on the theory andpractice of the fundamentals of acting primarilythrough monologue study. Students learntechniques to strengthen vocal, physical, andemotional awareness and response whilestudying the foundational theories of acting.They particularly develop a deep understandingof the elements of characterization in relation tocultural, historical, and economic background.Prerequisite(s): Completion of ENGL 100 witha grade of 2.0 or higher or placement by testingin ENGL& 101.DRMA 1525 creditsActing - Scene StudyHP- Continued study in the theory and practiceof acting through monologue and scenework. The course will include script analysis,improvisation, voice work, movement for theactor; understanding space and relationship.We will explore other methods of acting, e.g.Meisner, Adler, Waungh, Suzuki. Prerequisite(s):Completion of DRMA 151 with a grade of 2.0 orhigher.DRMA 1535 creditsPerformance ProductionHP- This course provides hands on, practicalexperience in performance. The class will culminatein a public performance. Prerequisite(s):Completion of ENGL 100 with a grade of 2.0 orhigher or placement by testing into ENGL& 101;and instructor permission (by audition).84 Catalog <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> <strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>

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