CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

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KODIAK CORNER/STUDENT SUCCESSSERVICESThe Kodiak Corner is located on the firstfloor of the <strong>Cascadia</strong> building (CC1/CC2).Services provided at the Kodiak Cornermain counter include, but are not limitedto:• Apply for admission, register forclasses, pay tuition [also availableonline]• Pay for and take the COMPASSplacement test• Purchase parking permits and buspasses; appeal parking tickets• Add, drop, and withdraw from classes• Receive general financial aidinformation [also available online]• Make an appointment to meet with anacademic advisor, career advisor,mental health counselor, or financialaid staff• Check in for appointments• Inquire about disability supportservices• Acquire a <strong>Cascadia</strong> student ID cardThe New Student Welcome Center,Student Advising and Support Services,Enrollment Services, Career and TransferCenter, Disability Support Services,Mental Health Counseling, and StudentFinancial Services are housed in theKodiak Corner. Students should check inat the Kodiak Corner main counter toaccess these services. Additionalinformation and online services areavailable at www.cascadia.edu.Applying forAdmissionHow to ApplyAdmissionAdult members of the community 18years or older, or those with a high schooldiploma or GED, are eligible to enroll incourses at <strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>.There are several exceptions to theenrollment eligibility at <strong>Cascadia</strong>. Pleaserefer to the special admissions section inthis catalog for a description of theallowable exceptions.Degree-Seeking(Matriculated) StudentsStudents may begin their education at<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> anyquarter. Since registration dates aredetermined by the date of completion ofthe application process, students areencouraged to apply for admission as earlyas possible. All students seeking a degreeor certificate must apply for admission.Matriculation involves the following steps:• Complete an admissions application viathe web, mail, or in person. Applicationforms are available at high schools, onthe college’s websitewww.cascadia.edu, or by calling (425)352-8860.• Send official transcripts from allcolleges previously attended, andcomplete a transcript evaluationrequest form available at the KodiakCorner main counter or on the website.• Take <strong>Cascadia</strong>’s placement assessmentto determine skill level in reading,writing, and mathematics. Students whohave successfully completed collegelevelEnglish composition are exemptfrom placement testing in related areas,as are students who have successfullycompleted college-level mathematicswithin the last 12 months. Transcriptsdocumenting college-level English and/or mathematics are required forregistration.• Attend one of <strong>Cascadia</strong>’s new studentorientation sessions. (Optional forstudents transferring to <strong>Cascadia</strong>.)• Register for classes.• Pay tuition and fees.Non-Degree-Seeking (Nonmatriculated)StudentsStudents not seeking a degree orcertificate from <strong>Cascadia</strong> are considerednon-degree-seeking students and mayregister for up to twenty-four credits perquarter. Non-matriculated students mayregister during the open registrationperiod on a first-come, first-served basis.Students must demonstrate that they havemet course prerequisites for any givenmathematics or English course they wishto enroll in.Non-degree-seeking students candemonstrate that they have met themathematics or English compositioncourse prerequisites by providing collegetranscripts, or by having taken theplacement test either at <strong>Cascadia</strong> or atanother college within the past year.Non-degree-seeking students who wishto seek an exception to a prerequisiterequirement must present theNon-Matriculated Student – PrerequisitePetition form to the appropriate Dean forStudent Learning. The Dean for StudentLearning will designate a faculty memberto consider the appeal and render adecision.Non-degree-seeking students have accessto and are encouraged to seek theassistance of <strong>Cascadia</strong>’s academic advisors.Placement AssessmentEvidence of placement level is requiredbefore registration. Kodiak Cornerprovides testing services for appropriateplacement into courses and/or programs.Scores are used for placement purposesonly. Students take a computerized test(COMPASS) to measure skill levels inreading, writing, and math. There is anon-refundable fee for this assessmentand photo identification is required.Students who have successfully completedcollege-level English composition areexempt from placement testing in relatedareas, as are students who havesuccessfully completed college-levelmathematics within the last 12 months.Transcripts documenting completion ofcollege-level English and/or mathematicsare required for registration.English as a Second Language (ESL)testing is used to determine theplacement level of non-English speakers.Testing is offered at scheduled timesthroughout each quarter. Contact the ESLoffice for assessment testing at (425)352-8158.Photo identification is required for allassessment testing.Transcript EvaluationCredits earned at colleges or universitiesthat are recognized by a regionalaccreditation association or Ministry ofEducation are accepted by <strong>Cascadia</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>. <strong>Cascadia</strong> willaccept no more than five (5.0) credits of“D” level work.A student who has earned a four-yeardegree is not required to submit officialtranscripts unless credits from previouscolleges are to be used toward a degree at<strong>Cascadia</strong>. However, unofficial transcriptsmay be required to provide evidence ofplacement level before registration incertain courses.ADMISSION AND REGISTRATION<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Catalog <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> 7

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