CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

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Adult High SchoolCompletion<strong>Cascadia</strong> offers reduced tuition of $<strong>11</strong> percredit plus the cost of fees for WashingtonState resident students who are 19 years ofage or older and enrolled in the AdultHigh School Completion program. Thereduced tuition applies only to coursesapplicable toward completion of thediploma from <strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong>.WAIVER OF THE NON-RESIDENTDIFFERENTIAL FOR REFUGEES<strong>Cascadia</strong> waives the operating feesportion of the non-resident differential forrefugees and their spouses anddependents with parole status, immigrantvisa, or citizenship application.Congressional Dependents<strong>Cascadia</strong> waives the operating feesportion of the non-resident differential fordependents of members of the U.S.Congress who are representingWashington State.Higher EducationEmployees<strong>Cascadia</strong> waives the operating feesportion of the non-resident differential foremployees who work half-time or morefor a public higher education institutionand their spouses and dependents.Non-Washington ResidentWaiverStudents who are U.S. citizens or INSapproved permanent residents, but whoare considered non-Washington residentsfor tuition paying purposes are eligible fora non-resident waiver. The college waivesall of the nonresident operating feedifferential; but students are stillresponsible for paying the building feedifferential.Space Available WaiversSenior Citizens – Audit ofCredit Classes<strong>Cascadia</strong> waives tuition and student andactivities fees for credit classes for residents60 years or older on a space-available basis.Students will pay $5 per quarter with alimit of two courses per quarter.Senior Citizens – CreditClasses<strong>Cascadia</strong> waives tuition and student andactivities fees for credit classes forresidents 60 years or older on a spaceavailablebasis. Students will pay $10 percredit with a limit of two courses.State Employees<strong>Cascadia</strong> offers tuition waivers forpermanent state employees employedhalf-time or more and to public schoolteachers and certified instructional staffwho hold, or are seeking, endorsementand assignment in a state identifiedshortage area. Preference is given topermanent employees of <strong>Cascadia</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>. No preference isgiven to other types of employees andthere is equal treatment of full and parttimepermanent employees. This waiver isoffered on a space available basis only.Students will pay $10 per credit for thefirst six credits, and full tuition for anyadditional credits. Stop by the KodiakCorner to pick up the state employeewaiver form.Financing YoureducationStudent FinancialServicesThe Student Financial Services Office at<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> assistsstudents in the process of applying forfinancial aid and finding ways to meeteducational expenses. Financial aid isdesigned to assist students and/or theirparents in paying basic educational costsfor eligible certificate and degreeprograms. All of the financial aidprograms at <strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong> are administered in accordancewith established state and federalregulations and policies. At the core ofthese policies is the belief that financing astudent’s education is the primaryresponsibility of the student and his/herfamily. However, there are multipleresources students can access to pay forcollege. <strong>Cascadia</strong> offers grants, loans,scholarships, and Work-Study to eligiblestudents.The basic formula for determiningfinancial need for grant funds and Work-Study is:COA - EFC = Financial NeedCost of Attendance (COA) Minus (-)Expected Family Contribution (EFC)Equals (=) Financial NeedEven students who do not demonstratefinancial need for grants and Work-Studymay still qualify for a student loan.Estimated Costs of <strong>College</strong>for Calculating FinancialAidThe following estimated average costs areused for full-time, in-state residentsattending three quarters in the <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong>school year. To be considered full-timefor financial aid, veterans’ benefits, andmost other outside agencies, studentsmust take at least 12 credits per quarter.<strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> CostsFull-Time Full-TimeLiving Not Livingwith Parents with ParentsTuition and Fees* $3,291 3,291Books and Supplies 972 972Room and Board 2,730 8,460Transportation 1,344 1,176Misc. 1,674 2,040TOTAL: $10,0<strong>11</strong> $15,939* There may be additional fees associated withindividual classes.How to Apply forFinancial AidStudents may submit the Free Applicationfor Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) eitherby mail or over the web. The FAFSAcollects financial data and otherinformation that is used to calculate theEFC that ultimately determines astudent’s eligibility for financial aid. Thekey to obtaining financial aid is to applyearly. Applicants may begin the process atany time. Financial aid will not beawarded until you have been admitted tothe college and have completed all stepsto apply for financial aid.Steps to Apply forFinancial Aid1. Submit an electronic FAFSA via theweb. Students and parents may signtheir application electronically using aPIN number. Applicants may file theFAFSA throughout the academic year.Students must reapply for financial aideach year. If you do not have internetaccess, you may obtain a paper copy ofthe Free Application for FederalStudent Aid (FAFSA) from <strong>Cascadia</strong>’sStudent Financial Services Office orfrom a high school guidance office.However, we strongly encourage you tofile electronically.School Code<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Title IVschool code is 034835. Use this codewhen completing your FAFSA.TUITION, FEES, AND FINANCIAL AID<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Catalog <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> 13

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