CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

CATALOG 2010-11 - Cascadia Community College

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Program Learning OutcomesNatural ScienceScience literacy provides a foundation for informed citizenshipin our increasingly technological society. Learners practice,communicate, and apply science in order to understand thenatural and physical world and the consequences of humanactivity within it.Learn: Learners will comprehend and describe science as aprocess of generating knowledge that relies on testablehypotheses, verifiable data, and evolving theories that explainnatural phenomena.Think: Learners will conduct scientific investigations, i.e.,design and modify experiments, make accurate observations,and apply quantitative and qualitative strategies to interpretnumerical and graphical data.Communicate: Learners will read technical information withunderstanding and express technical information in written,verbal, and graphical forms for a variety of audiences, bothwithin and outside science.Interact: Learners will know and apply fundamental conceptsin the biological, chemical, and physical sciences to makeinformed decisions and engage meaningfully in ethical issuesthat involve science and technology.LEARNING OUTCOMESThese college outcomes are the learning goals for all <strong>Cascadia</strong> students, faculty,administrators, and staff. When practiced as lifelong learning habits, they encouragepersonal growth, enhance productive citizenship, and foster individual and cooperativelearning. As they are assessed inside and outside the classroom, these outcomes guidelearning, decision-making, and actions by all members of the college community.Communicatewith Clarity and OriginalityThe ability to exchange ideasand information is essential topersonal growth, productivework, and societal vitality.communicateInteractin Diverse andComplex EnvironmentsSuccessful negotiation throughour interdependent and globalsociety requires knowledge andawareness of self and others, aswell as enhanced interaction skills.thinkinteractSocial ScienceThe social sciences expand learners’ understanding of thenature and behavior of individuals as well as their interactionand organization in multiple cultural contexts.Learn: Learners will demonstrate an understanding of theinterrelationships between the individual and socio-historicalforces, and the ways that social structures impact diversity,inequality, and social change. As part of this study, students willshow an understanding of theoretical frameworks.Think: Learners will identify and evaluate qualitative andquantitative evidence to draw conclusions about humanbehavior consistent with social science theory.Communicate: Learners will read information withunderstanding and express information in written, verbal, andgraphical forms for audiences within and outside science.Interact: Learners will recognize and explain the ways thatdifferent frameworks affect the conclusions they draw fromdata.ThinkCritically, Creatively, andReflectivelyReason and imagination arefundamental to problemsolving and the criticalexamination of ideas.learnLearnActivelyLearning is a personal,interactive process thatresults in greater expertise,and a more comprehensiveunderstanding of the world.Original graphic concept by <strong>Cascadia</strong> graduate Ginny Higgins.Instructional Programs AND Policies<strong>Cascadia</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Catalog <strong>2010</strong>-<strong>11</strong> 23

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