(CMUT) as a chemical sensor for DMMP detection - Khuri-Yakub ...

(CMUT) as a chemical sensor for DMMP detection - Khuri-Yakub ...

(CMUT) as a chemical sensor for DMMP detection - Khuri-Yakub ...

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1124 K.K. Park et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 160 (2011) 1120–1127Fig. 6. (a) Schematic of the oscillator circuit including a <strong>CMUT</strong>. (b) Optical picture of a populated oscillator circuit on PCB.not require an additional start-up circuit. The <strong>CMUT</strong> is directlymounted on a printed circuit board (PCB) without a chip-carrierand wire-bonded on the PCB to reduce par<strong>as</strong>itic capacitance.2.5.2. Per<strong>for</strong>mance of the oscillatorThe free running oscillation frequency of the circuit w<strong>as</strong> me<strong>as</strong>uredusing an external digital frequency counter (Model SRS620,Stan<strong>for</strong>d Research System, Sunnyvale, CA) with a typical gate timeof 10 ms, i.e., 100 frequency samples per a second. Frequency in<strong>for</strong>mationis transferred to an external PC <strong>for</strong> signal processing. Thetime delay between the counter and the PC is less than 100 ms,which is short enough <strong>for</strong> a real-time me<strong>as</strong>urement of the frequencyshift due <strong>chemical</strong> absorption.The amount of frequency shift is proportional to the amount of<strong>chemical</strong> absorption. As a result, the limit of <strong>detection</strong> of the outputsignal, i.e., frequency noise level, decides the limit of <strong>detection</strong>of analyte concentration in air. In order to quantify the frequencynoise level, we used the Allan deviation method [24], which is acommon method to me<strong>as</strong>ure the short-term frequency stabilityof timing references. The Allan deviation number, y (n 0 ,M), <strong>for</strong>a given gate time, n 0 , is√√ y (n 0 , M) =√ 12n 2 (M − 2n + 1)∑M−2n j+n−1( ¯f i+n − ¯f i ) 2 , (4)j=0∑where 0 is the gate time of the frequency me<strong>as</strong>urement, M is totalnumber of samples and ¯f i is the averaged frequency of n-samples.This method averages neighboring frequency samples to computedeviation at a given averaging time, n 0 , (i.e., effective gate time). Ina short averaging time, the Allan deviation tends to decre<strong>as</strong>e withmore averaging time. However, the Allan deviation incre<strong>as</strong>es whenthe averaging time is larger than a certain value, because the driftof the resonant frequency (i.e., mid-term frequency noise) startsto dominate the frequency variation. We me<strong>as</strong>ured a large numberof finely spaced frequency samples and computed the Allandeviation <strong>for</strong> various averaging times to find the optimal averagingtime (Fig. 7). The oscillator h<strong>as</strong> the lowest Allan deviation( y /f) of 2.74 × 10 −8 at 50 ms averaging time, which correspondsto a frequency noise level of 0.5 Hz. B<strong>as</strong>ed on Eq. (3), the <strong>sensor</strong>’sminimum <strong>detection</strong> limit of loaded m<strong>as</strong>s per unit area ( min /A) is1.92 × 10 −11 kg/m 2 or 0.192 ag/m 2 with 3- confidence levels.i=jand bubblers [11,25]. Purified air from a zero air generator (Model76-803, Balston Parker, Haverhill, MA) w<strong>as</strong> used to provide flowthrough two MFCs. These two MFCs separately control the flow rateof the carrier air and flow rate of the air injected into a bubbler. Inthe bubbler, the air flows through a liquid-ph<strong>as</strong>e analyte, resultingin evaporation of the analyte into the air. The air containinganalyte molecules is then mixed with the carrier air. This mixtureg<strong>as</strong> is transferred into a 3 cm 3 gl<strong>as</strong>s chamber, which encloses thepolymer-coated <strong>CMUT</strong> resonator.The typical flow rates of the bubbler air is 1–10 ml/min and theflow rate of diluted air is adjusted in 499–490 ml/min to regulatethe total flow rate to 500 ml/min. The volume concentration of ananalyte is calculated b<strong>as</strong>ed on three parameters: the flow rate of theair through the bubbler, flow rate of the carrier air and the vaporpressure of each analyte, <strong>as</strong>suming the output of the bubbler is fullysaturated with the analyte.3. Results3.1. Sensitivity and limit of <strong>detection</strong>We chose <strong>DMMP</strong> <strong>as</strong> our main analyte and ethanol and water<strong>as</strong> reference analytes. Fig. 8 shows transient responses of the frequencyto different concentrations of three different analytes. Foreach me<strong>as</strong>urement, the analyte molecules were injected into thechamber at 60 s by flowing air through the bubbler containing<strong>DMMP</strong>. The PIB coating absorbs the analyte molecules until itreaches an equilibrium condition <strong>for</strong> the given analyte concentration.The m<strong>as</strong>s of the absorbed molecules shifts the resonant2.6. Experimental setupThe volume sensitivity is me<strong>as</strong>ured using an in-house <strong>chemical</strong>set-up that can deliver low vapor concentrations of <strong>DMMP</strong>. Theexperimental setup consists of several m<strong>as</strong>s flow controllers (MFC)Fig. 7. Allan deviation y of the oscillator circuit in Fig. 6(b).

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