Coe Review

Coe Review

Coe Review


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We took our cue from the other Nam vets. They never asked for any<br />

special treatment—as I said, they rarely even talked about Nam—and they'd<br />

been as irritated and repulsed by Howard's body odor and night terrors as<br />

the rest of us. But now they backed off and simply watched with curiosity<br />

or respect or awe—I don't know what to call it. Maybe it was the way the<br />

rest of us, covertly at least, saw them. They'd been there—Nam—and we<br />

hadn't. They'd been there but hadn't been through hell. Probably most<br />

of them had never even experienced combat. Howard had. So we all just<br />

watched, and waited.<br />

As it turned out, we didn't have to do anything about Howard Reese.<br />

Only a few days after our meeting with Sergeant Reynolds, Howard<br />

disappeared.<br />

It'd happen all the time that somebody would be late coming back from<br />

a three-day pass. These were nineteen, twenty-year-olds we're talking about<br />

here, farm boys who'd never been out of the county they were born in before<br />

and tough-talking city boys who at home still had their mama cutting up<br />

their meat for them. They had a hell of a time with those train schedules,<br />

inconveniently written in German. Nor was it unheard of for a guy to go<br />

AWOL for a week or two—generally when his wife or girlfriend came over<br />

for a visit and the CO, the bastard, wouldn't give him leave. But this was<br />

different. This time the CID was called in, the NCOs were questioned, and<br />

so were a few of us who bunked near Howard. No one knew a thing. What<br />

was going on?<br />

The army being the proving ground for shit-house rumors, theories<br />

were varied and imaginative. Howard was in cahoots with a drug ring in<br />

Pirmasens, and he'd been bumped off. Howard was in cahoots with a drug<br />

ring in Pirmasens, and he'd bumped off someone else and was on the run.<br />

He'd stolen a box of M-16s from the armory and had sold them to . . .<br />

fill in the blank. He'd sold secrets about the ordnance we guarded out in<br />

the security areas to the Commies. Etc., etc. Most of the speculation was<br />

farcical with the exception of the drug-ring scenarios. There were a lot<br />

of drugs around the depot. It had to be bought and sold. Somebody was<br />

making a ton of money on it. Where there was money, there was potential<br />

for bad shit happening.<br />

We were convinced that bad shit of some sort had happened when the<br />

whole company was rousted out of our bunks one night, given flashlights,<br />

and led out into the woods surrounding the depot. We formed into one<br />

long rank and began to make our way slowly through the trees. We were not<br />

told by anyone in authority to look for Howard Reese, specifically. "Keep<br />

an eye out for anything suspicious," was all the CO said. At a certain point<br />

the word went up and down the line that we should look for something that<br />

20 Old Wars

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