Coe Review

Coe Review

Coe Review


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lipstick; each lip is blood red and perfectly shaped. I close my eyes and allow<br />

her access to my mouth. Her kiss is wet and tastes like coffee and toothpaste.<br />

Annie and I have kissed on four separate occasions, back in the beginning<br />

of our relationship. Her lips were soft but always chapped, and she'd pucker<br />

like an aunt. Rebecca lingers above me, and I keep my eyes closed, assuming<br />

she wants me to notice her blouse.<br />

At the restaurant she sits next to me in the booth. I push my shoulder<br />

against brick wall to my left, and the table leg digs into the side of my knee.<br />

We order drinks from a waiter with spiky, gelled hair, and then Rebecca tells<br />

me about a new saleswoman at the jewelry store.<br />

"She simply talks too much, and I think she's annoying our<br />

customers."<br />

"Why don't you mention it to her?"<br />

"I'm afraid it would hurt her feelings. She tries so hard and seems so<br />

innocent. I'm afraid if I say anything, she'll start to cry."<br />

"I'm sure she'd get over it."<br />

"Maybe you're right, Dennis. But the truth can be painful."<br />

I think Rebecca's talking about herself. She may be revealing the tip of<br />

our iceberg, the long-ignored emptiness that looms deep within our marriage.<br />

Has she ever wondered about another woman? And what would she think of<br />

Annie? I gulp my whiskey and water and smile into the glass, thinking my<br />

relationship with Annie is almost comical: foot and leg massages, kisses on<br />

the forehead. I finish my drink and picture her lying in bed, with a blanket<br />

pulled up to her chin. This woman is a threat to no one.<br />

The waiter comes back to take our order. For the first time I notice<br />

his right ear is deformed, and I imagine a frightening attack by a rabid dog<br />

with snarling teeth. He reads today's specials off a sheet of paper, and I feel<br />

embarrassed for him. I want to say it's okay. Leave the paper. We can read it<br />

ourselves. I order another drink, and Rebecca wrinkles her nose to show her<br />

disapproval. The waiter offers to take my glass, and I joke that I haven't had<br />

time to lick it clean.<br />

Twenty minutes of empty chitchat follows, and then the waiter brings<br />

out two over-sized plates. I order a third drink, and then Rebecca and I eat<br />

while making brief comments about the garlic mashed potatoes and the<br />

tastiness of our shrimp and swordfish. When our meals are finished, the<br />

waiter stops to offer dessert.<br />

Rebecca smiles. "No thanks. We have something waiting at home."<br />

She slips her hand between my legs and squeezes my thigh. I gasp, and<br />

the waiter turns his head towards another table. He then says he'll bring our<br />

bill, and I allow myself once last look at his ear. I focus on the uncertain<br />

night ahead—Rebecca and I haven't had sex in weeks—and drink the rest of<br />

62 The Desert Between Us

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