Coe Review

Coe Review

Coe Review


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stuff done... trying to go back to school... ya know how it is."<br />

"Sure, sure... seen much of Henry?"<br />

"Ya... he's meeting me here... it is seven, right?" She then gave herself<br />

a slap on the forehead and squeezed her eyelids closed. "Oh my God, dude,<br />

I have smoked way too much pot... I'm late, huh?"<br />

I checked my watch and saw it was half past seven. But I hadn't seen<br />

Henry anyway, so I figured what's the harm.<br />

"No, you're good... it's just a little past seven. Henry'll probably be<br />

along in a minute."<br />

"Cool, cool... Hey, you haven't seen Henry, have you?"<br />

"I see Henry all the time... you mean today?"<br />

"Right, ya, today."<br />

"Nope, but I came by only an hour ago, and earlier I was stuck at home<br />

working on some things. Why'd you ask?'<br />

"Oh, nothing, just wanted to know... making conversation, you<br />

know."<br />

"Right."<br />

"Oh no, it's nothing like that, it's just I thought you knew what he was<br />

up to today."<br />

"You mean earlier?'<br />

"Ya ya, earlier."<br />

"I think he went clothes shopping, and then he said he was going to see<br />

his parents for a bit."<br />

"Good!"<br />

"Whoa... you okay? Why so happy about that?'<br />

"I dunno, ya know, I just wanted to see if he was going where I thought<br />

he was, ya know, not a big deal, ya know, right?"<br />

Her eyes suddenly felt like searchlights. Behind the small lamp between<br />

us, her eyes loomed like crystal balls steaming with violet haze. She was a<br />

dormant beauty, idling incognito behind contrived attire, something natural<br />

that went far beyond first impression. Her eyes told her life far better than<br />

all the clutter and clatter hanging on her like kitsch on a restaurant wall. At<br />

that moment, she became my favorite. She was delicate and thoughtful, and<br />

I wanted to shake her and tell her to speak naturally and stop decorating<br />

herself into a puzzle. I wanted to acknowledge the fact that she was hiding,<br />

from herself, from the world. I figured her being with Henry was just<br />

another cloak to pull around her uncomfortable skin. She saw in him what I<br />

had. Whether it was being Henry, or being with Henry, it was like a glimpse<br />

at the good life.<br />

"So, you don't trust him?"<br />

She giggled and sighed. "You don't know Henry very well do you?"<br />

Henry Fragmentary

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