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IntroductionInnodata is a databank on educational innovations compiled, since 1993,by <strong>UNESCO</strong>’s International Bureau of Education (IBE), Geneva, andaccessible at: http://www.ibe.unesco.org/Inf_Doc/Innodata/inno.htm.The focus of the database is on descriptions of educational innovations inprimary and secondary schools within the IBE’s priority area: the contentof education. Some initiatives in teacher training and in non-formaleducation are also included. Innodata adopts a broad definition of theterm ‘educational innovation’, the emphasis being upon ‘initiatives thatare new within a specific sub-regional, national, local, or institutionalcontext, even if familiar in other settings’.‘This publication is the first in a new series entitled EducationalInnovation for Development, produced by ACEID, to reflect the verywide range of imaginative initiatives that are currently being pursued inAPEID Member States by Ministries of Education, international fundingagencies, institutions and individuals to meet the range of needs. Theseries aims to provide accessible, up-to-date information that will be ofinterest to all who are active in education in the Asia Pacific region andaround the world’.‘Snapshots’ is based on forty-two Innodata entries supplied by countriesin the Asia-Pacific region over the years 1996-99. The projects includedin ‘Snapshots’ were, in most cases, supplied on the standard Innodataproforma as a report to the Asia-Pacific Centre of Educational Innovationfor Development (ACEID). In some cases these data have beensupplemented by information supplied through papers to the annual<strong>UNESCO</strong>-ACEID international conference, or through publicationssupplied by projects. These information sources have been transformedinto the present ‘snapshots’ to extend accessibility for readers. Eachentry includes a statement that contextualizes the need for the innovation,based on a suitable analysis. The nature of the innovation is described,along with an account of its implementation and achievements, timescaleand factors affecting its success. Sustainability issues areidentified. Information on publications and contact details of keypersonnel is also provided.

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